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Her thought process was scrambled and she had no idea what to do when she woke up.

Surrounded by white and dark blue. A bright window was causing light to flood into the room and blind Phoebe making her situation a little worse.

She looked around and tried to decipher where she was for a split second before remembering what had just happened. Maybe it was a dream? She thought before tugging the white blanket off of her body and slamming her feet down onto the white tiles.

Phoebe immediately felt her eyes get wet at the thought of Azalea, it must of been a bad dream! She must've hit her head and that's why she's in the hospital! She chanted in her head over and over as if the more she said it the truer it became.

She walked over to the door and put her hand to the rusty golden handle, slowly turning it. Once the heavy white wooden door swung open with a creek she looked down the hallway to see what looked like a pretty normal house, some doors scattered around on the painted white walls with different symbols, colours or drawings on them.

Whilst looking around and trying to decipher where she was since it clearly wasn't a hospital as she originally thought a dark looming figure appeared next to her, the black blur made her scream as she closed her eyes and flinched backwards fully prepared to accept her fate as the next victim in a horror movie.

Or the first.. she wasn't quite sure if that was a dream or not, but she was focused on it not being real.

She hoped at least that it was a dream but it felt a little too real to Phoebe.

"You're awake?!" A happy voice chimed out causing Phoebe to open one eye and look only to see a brightly coloured clown bearing a bright smile and a weirdly shaped nose that seemed to also bear the colourful attributes that the clown clearly liked.

On further inspection Phoebe found the clown to look familiar to her only for her mind to click.

"You were in the house right?", She asked before a thought struck her. That means she did go out with Azalea and that part wasn't a dream.

More thoughts gushed into Phoebe's head at possibilities of what happened. She must've tripped whilst walking home. That must be it! She thought as she started panicking, getting the clowns attention.

He looked at her in confusion before realising what was happening.

"Do you need your inhaler?" He asked worriedly as she nodded rapidly.

"It's in my room! follow, follow", he stated as he began walking whilst making her tread behind him.

His voice was high pitched and cheerful which sounded like the opposite of how she figured in the house but he also looked different. Phoebe guessed that he just dressed up like that to be scary, he was probably really nice. However, one thought kept striking Phoebe's mind. 'Why is he still dressed as a clown??'

He finally stopped by a door and swung it open to reveal a room covered in toys, the room was extremely dark but everything was colourful and there was a giant jack-in-the-box in the far corner, tucked out of sight.

"Here it is", he walked back over to her and handed her the inhaler she was too familiar with.

She gave it a shake and used it before he walked back into his room and sat down in the centre where no toys were placed.

Phoebe looked at him and shrugged before walking inside and sitting infront of him. She was still cautious about where she was but she wanted to know if Azalea was okay.

"Is..-", She cut herself off before biting her lip. She wasn't sure she was prepared to hear the news if it was bad.

"Where am I?" She asked getting the clowns attention.

He looked at her with a big grin.

"You're in Slender's house" He chimed as if it should ring bells in the girls memory.

She shrugged at the sentence making him light up.

"Oh yeah.. I forgot. You're not one of us" He laughed making her even more confused.

"It's hard to explain. But you're safe at least!" He gave her a big grin.

"Then.. is Azalea okay too?" She finally asked and braced for the news

"Azalea?" He questioned making her nod

"She has hip length brown hair- a light brown, bright green eyes, skinny, tall.. ringing any bells?" She asked as dread overcame her when his eyes widened.

"Oh yeah.. she was in the maze with you, I almost forgot she was your friend" He nervously chuckled

"Then.. she's okay?" Phoebe paused before she asked, wondering about his nervous giggle.

He looked at her before sighing.

"You need some rest", he stood up making her shake her head rapidly.

"I want to know!" She put her foot down as she stood up, only just realising how much the clown towered over her with his enormous height.

"Really?" His voice deepened as his colours darkened slightly. The sight made Phoebe back away from him slightly.

'That's not normal..', She thought whilst trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for it.

"Y-yes" She stuttered anyways as his bright colours turned monochrome and his appearance shifted back to the one she'd seen in the haunted house, he seemed to get slightly taller as the room drained itself of colour. The bright toys getting dim.

"I don't think you do girly, now go get some rest", he growled making Phoebe bite her lip.

She turned around and walked back to where she came from, laying down on the bed as he cane in.

"I'll tell you if you want to know- after you've had some rest" He nodded towards her, his features back to their colourful form.

"O-okay", She stated.

"Good night", He chimed before closing the door and leaving the poor girl to think over everything and come to horrible conclusions.

She didn't know where she was, who he was or what was happening.

She just wanted to go back home and be with Azalea..

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