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Today was good. A bit too quiet and normal for me. I hoped that, that would change.

I made my way through the day like usual, not paying much attention, doodling, and conversing with the people I could stand. Surprisingly, I had found a couple of people in each of my classes that didn't make me want to jump out of a window.

They even had the same views as me. It was interesting. We were almost like members of a cult inside this holy place.

"I heard that we're gonna have an assembly today," Rae spoke as she finished writing her notes.

"Yeah? For what?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Probably for something fucking dumb. But hey, it'll get us out of class. And it'll give me extra time to see Mr. Sinclair."

Ashlyn shot me a look as soon as she heard his name. I could tell she was jealous. Her and Mr. Sinclair had something going on. But now it was clear him and Rae did too.

He was the schools part-time librarian and head of recreational activities or something like that. Ashlyn spent a lot of time helping him put together field trips and extra curricular activities for students.

"Whatcha talking about?," Ashlyn asked eyeing Rae.

"Rae said there was going to be assembly later," I responded.

She thought for a moment. "OH, YEAH! It's for the annual camping trip coming up."

"How the hell do you know?," Rae questioned.

"Camping?!," I butted in, "Are we going to camp crystal lake because that's the only way they are getting my ass out in nature."

They both laughed at me, although I was being serious.

"Me and Hea- Mr. Sinclair were talking and he told me about it. I'm not sure how the tradition started, but it's just a vacation before actual Thanksgiving vacation."

I nodded in response, still confused. "Where the fuck do you camp at in Vegas? The desert?"

"Actually, yes. But it's sorta forest-y there. They choose this time of year since it's colder. It's not that bad."

"Good luck getting me there," I scowled at her response.

"Come on, Kae. It'll be fun. Imagine being able to spend time with Brendon during school hours without anyone thinking something's up," Rae made a point.

She was right. It would be nice to spend time with him, without the refinement of these Church walls.

I took a deep breath. "We shall see."


"May all students report to the auditorium at this time."

The secretary on the loud speaker spoke and every stood up from their seats. I walked through the hallways, following suit.

It was weird seeing boys joining the girls for once. The school decided it was better if there were no distractions from God and learning, so they made classes of the same gender only.

I decided to scope out the seats, for one, someone I knew, and two, seeing if there were actual attractive teenage boys.

A boy with shaggy blonde hair caught my eye. He sat in the farthest seat in the back, alone. Not a single person beside him. I made my way towards him. He was confused at my choice of seating.

"There's some seats up there, I think," he said and pointed near the front of the stage.

"And?," I quarried, eyebrow raised.

He looked at me, surprised by my response.

"You're not like the others, huh?"

"You say that like it's a question, when it should be a statement. A fact, even. I'm Kae," I winked.

"I'm Tate. Wanna hook up?"

I rolled my eyes. God, not another fuckboy.

"Heyy, don't do that. The uh- eye roll thing. You said you aren't like other girls. You should understand sarcasm."

"I do, but your boner says otherwise," I said as I gazed to the front of his pants.

Instead of being embarrassed that I noticed, he smirked and let out a chuckle. Maybe I could befriend this boy.

I thought of something to say, but decided to let silence take over. Mr. Sinclair came up on stage before our conversation could further.

"Hello Students. I'm very excited to announce that we are going on our annual camping trip in a few weeks!," he said through an accent. Possibly European or Australian.

"We will be heading to Lake Mead, our usual sight. However this year will be different. I managed to convince the Dean to allow this trip to be co-ed. How 'bout that?," he smiled as most of the room cheered.

"Alright, so, we will still be separating you by sex, however, you can swim, fish, hike, whatever with each other. Remember, not to do anything to ruin this new rule for everyone."

There went my plans for this trip... just kidding.

I had to admit, this made me even more interested in going. I'd be able to see all three of my men on this trip now. Yes, Tate was going to be a new toy of mine. Or until I was bored and wanted to fuck around with Negan again. Not that we had ever stopped, but he seemed to take a hint after I hadn't come the last 3 times we fucked.

"Fuck this," Tate mumbled quietly to himself.

"You should come, actually. I'll show you a good time. Maybe help you out a little," I seductively spoke. I couldn't fight my hoe side.

His legs bounced as he thought.


I smiled.


I relaxed my face.

"I want to take you out. I mean, hangout with you. You can- uh, pick where we go."

"Sounds like a date to me," I smiled and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

Since the assembly was over, I stood up and began to walk away. But he stopped me.

"Wait," Tate grabbed my wrist tightly, "I'll see you around?"

I smirked. "We shall see."

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