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The first word of Kumbaya, my lord rang into my ears causing me to nearly choke. I️ had always believed that song was sang as a joke. But my school never let me down on all the catholic religion stereotypes.

I️ sat up from place on the log and headed back to my cabin. It was time for the second phase of my plan. This plan was part of the bigger plan. Okay, one step at a time. Let me begin from the start of the day.

We had to report at school even earlier than usual, making me even more ready to die. We got to pick our seats on the bus, though, which made the ride a little less excruciating.

I sat in the back next to Ashlyn, who had gone on this very same trip for years.

"Look on the bright side, you'll get to see Tate and Mr. Urie. Plus, I heard someone brought alcohol too," she smiled and patted my shoulder awkwardly.

"Ugh," I groaned, "you're right, but I don't know.. I just wanna be there already. And I'll have you know that I'm done with Brendon," I confirmed.

"Oh, yeah?," she asked in a condescending tone.

"Yeah, Tate is the only man in my life," I lied through my teeth.

Ashlyn looked at me as if she could tell I was lying. Instead, she put an earbud in and leaned back into her seat. She muttered a "mhmm" and fluttered her eyes closed. I would've fought her on this, but figured she knew the truth anyways.

In total, I had been with Mr. Urie, Negan, and Kai. Funny enough, I had waited to sleep with Tate, the only one I truly wanted to be with. I wasn't sure why. I mean, he's a teenage boy, eager as they come, but he never pushed for sex too hard. I appreciated him for that. It felt only right for me to remove the extra men in my life before trying out a real relationship. Tonight, one of those relationships were going to... parish.


"Bitch, get up," I prodded Ashlyn, who was curled up in a ball beside me.

"Yes," she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

I started to laugh at the inside joke we had. "We are here, it's time to get up."

She let out a vocal strained groan and sat up. One by one, we watched kids take their belongings and exit the bus. I hated to admit it, but I was genuinely excited for the day. All the while we drove, I could see me and Tate nearly fucking. I had my doubts, but being the religious girl I was, I prayed them away silently in my head.

I took my black backpack, my phone in hand, and lead the way out of the now almost steamy bus. I could hear the voice of Mr. Urie yelling at some boys to behave. I couldn't deny it, Brendon's demanding voice was fucking hot.

I scolded myself for such a thought. Tate was-nearly-my boyfriend and the hoe life was over for me.

"Alll-right kiddos! We made it, safe and sound. Mr. Sinclair will begin calling out names for each cabin. Please pay attention and follow your chaperone to the cabin. And remember to behave yourselves... or else," I felt eyes burn into me as Negan finished explaining what to do to us.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and focused on Mr. Sinclair. Ashlyn made sure she had put a word in that we wanted a cabin together. Being that she had a very powerful pussy, just that happened.

"Cabin 6; Ashlyn, Kaley, Jes, and Abby."

I picked my luggage bag up from the dusty ground and followed our sister chaperone. The sun was high, the sky was clear, and I was ready to get trashed and hook-up.

"Yoo let's get it!," Jes yelled and jumped onto Ashlyn's back.

"Dude, this is gonna be so fucking fun. How ya feeling Kae?," Ashlyn asked her signature question to me.

"I'm okay. I'll be better when I'm with Tate," I honestly replied.

"Oo you gonna get some diiiick!!," Jes joked.

"Nooo I'm nooott," I said back in the same way.

"Mmkayy. We shall see when the moon rises," Ashlyn winked.

I bit my lip, holding back a smirk, which would knowingly give away the truth. I was gonna get some dick. But whose?


Lunch time had come and passed. Everyone was supposed to meet at the main pavilion to eat, but problems had arose and the adults were busy handling them. This caused my plan to be held back, but I was Kae. Nothing could stop me. However, they weren't legally allowed to starve us, so eventually they announced we could go.

I followed my cabin mates down to our table and waited for Negan to join the rest of us. Him and I had reservations for the afternoon.

A husky voice overpowered the rest of the pubertal voices that were getting more and more rowdy.

"Quiet down everyone, qui-et down," he demanded to us, "if you packed a lunch you may grab it from one of the tables, if not, there are prepared ones for you. There's also beverage choices. First come, first serve, so don't get upset. Or we will have a problem."

My eyes followed Negan as he strode away from the pavilion and back to his cabin. My table was allowed to take our picks and I took this as a sign to exit. I gave Ashlyn a wink and tossed my head in Negan's direction. She flipped her thumb up and mouthed a 'good luck' back to me.

It was showtime.

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