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Chung-Ae POV

"Chung-Ae!" Eun-Hee yelled from the kitchen; I rolled my eyes as I turned my music up to try to drown out the sound of a squealing pig. Humming slightly along with the song as my pencil met the paper once again, getting lost in the moment before the storm hit. 

"Hey slut," A voice yelled, I looked over to see a slippery little bitch, "Eun-Hee needs you," He sneered as he looked me up and down, and I couldn't help but smirk; he was always an easy target. 

"Take a picture Min-Ki," He raised his eyebrow, "It'll last longer, give you a refresher of what you've always missed," I winked at him, his face became red before he turned heel and sped back down the hallway. 'What a bitch' I snickered, putting my pencil down as I stretched before getting up and heading downstairs. 

"About fucking time," Eun-Hee scoffed, throwing a wet rag at me, "This is your job, and let me just remind you," she grabbed my ear, pulling me close, "I let you live here for free, so keep it clean. Okay?" She smiled patting my cheek harshly before walking back upstairs with Min-Ki following behind. He looked behind, flicking me off before turning back around running up the rest of the stairs. 

Scoffing, taking the wet rag and wiping down the counters. Why don't I just leave? Don't I have a family? What about friends? I laughed at myself as I continued to wipe down the counter, "Geez what a psyco," Young-Ji laughed as she walked through the front door, I looked up from the counter to see her and the 2 other doofuses walking up the stairs to Eun-Hee's room. 

"That bump suits you," Mina laughed as she walked up the stairs, I rolled my eyes as I put my focus back on cleaning, humming as I continued to work. I was just glad at this point that they didn't leave anything hot out on the co-

"Fuck," I seethed as I yanked my hand back from the sheet pan, quickly putting it under cold water. A couple of laughs coming from the stop of the staircase, I looked up to see Eun-Hee and her minions walking down. 

"Oops," Eun-Hee shrugged, "Be careful next time, I can't afford to lose my best friend," Eun-Hee slapped my back, earning snickers from the rest of the group before they all headed out, slamming the door behind themselves. I looked up at the ceiling trying to compose myself as the cold water continued to run over my hand, bringing some little relief to the burn. 

It looks like it'll be another long night.


I was right, it was a long night. The burn kept me from sleeping for most of the night, and not to mention after the bitches got back from wherever they went, they decided to bring a party back with them. Didn't even get to stay within the comfort of my room, too many drunkies everywhere. 

I groaned as I rested my head on the table, people walking past were probably giving me weird looks, but I couldn't care less. To say that I was tired was an understatement, and on top of that my hand was still annoying the fuck out of me; my drawing hand on top of everything. 

"What's wrong Chung-Ae Unnie?" A voice snickered as I felt someone flick the back of my head, I lifted my head to see Eun-Hee and Min-Ki standing there with small smirks on their face. "Tired?" She asked as she took a sip of her water. 

"Man, I really think that you could use a refresher, don't you think Eun-Hee?" Min-Ki asked with a slight gleam in his eyes, they both looked at each other before they turned their attention back to me. 

"I think that's a good idea, Min-Ki," Eun-Hee handed him the water bottle, and before I could reach out for the bottle, it was emptied over my head. Eun-Hee and her posse laughing as some of them recorded. I gasped slightly as the cold water trickled down my back, sending shivers all over my body. 

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