The unknown savior

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Rumplestiltskin a young lad of 10 lived with two spinners  Judith and Mary. He was left there after his father abandoned him to become Peter pan. Months went by and Rumple had begun to have excruciating head aches multiple times a day. This went on for a month before Judith and Mary sought Help from doctors. Everyone they went to had no clue what was causing these aches. They were fresh out of options and decided to seek out help from the dark one zoso. They had started packing for their Journey when a little ball of blue light floated into their home. Mary of course her half blind self tried to swat it away thinking it was a fly. But then the light faded to reveal a beautiful fairy with a gorgeous blue gown on and a blue wand .
"I assure you Mary I am not a fly" The fairy said and giggled
"Then who are you and why are you so small" Mary said with confusion in her voice
A cloud of blue smoke covers the lady and when it disappears she's as tall as they are "I'm Blue, Rumplestiltskins fairy god mother" Blue said with some perk in her voice
"The boy has no fairy god mother" judith says
"I assure you he does and I'm here to stop you, you can not go see the dark one"
"It's not like your any help" Mary mocked
"Rumplestiltskin is having horrible head aches's normal for him right now may I speak with him"
The two old woman shared a glance then led her to Rumples room where he was fast asleep. Blue sat on a chair next to the bed where rumplestiltskin lay. She gently moved a strand of hair out of the young boys face that wakes him. He expects to see Mary or Judith but when he sees Blue he backs away and gets as close to the wall and as far from her as possible.
"It's ok Rumple I'm Blue you don't need fear me I am your fairy god mother."
Rumple calmed when he saw Mary and Judith in the room and calmed more when the women told him who she was
"I have a fairy god mother?" He asked with confusion and tiredness in his eyes.
"Yes you do and that is me. You have extremely bad head aches right" he nodded in agreement hoping this woman this fairy could help.
"Well young boy you have very light magic and I'm going to teach you how to use it"
'M...magic what does this woman mean can i have magic im no one' he thought to himself and the words repeat in his head 'you have magic'

5 Years later.

Rumplestiltskin is now 15 and for the past 5 tears the blue fairy or as he calls her Blue has been teaching him of his magic and everyday he gets stronger and stronger. Blue tells him she has a secret but will not tell him till she thinks he is ready. He asks her everyday what the secret is and if he's ready yet her answer is always the same "no"
"Oh come on blue you've been saying that for 5 years why won't you tell me" Rumple pleaded
"Because your not ready and when the day comes I'll tell you"
Rumple gave up with a sigh and a grumble. Blue shook her head and they went on with their lessons that day.

6 months later

Rumplestiltskin awoke to find Judith breathless in her chair. Her eyes closed cold and her heart beat gone. He cried for what seemed like hours into her lap when Mary came in and cried with him. Rumple started shouting in his head 'WHY....WHY HER TAKE ANYONE BUT HER' he cried till they had her funeral that day and he had to dig her final resting place .They had a short ceremony after Mary went to her room and rumple stayed on his knees staring at her grave. Hours seemed to pass till he felt a hand on his shoulder. When he looked up to see who it was he found Mary and somehow it had gotten dark.
"Come inside Rumple I made your favorite meat pie"
He gave her a small smile and came inside.
Rumple would not speak to anyone for weeks. He finally started to speak but it was only gradual.
A few more weeks pass and he's back to his normal self he still misses Judith but he knows she was a good person and is in a good place.

3 years later

Rumplestiltskin is now a man at 18. A man who can be wedded and start a family. But he does not want to marry or start a family at least not yet but what really ravished his thoughts were what Blue told him 'I will tell you two days after your 18th birthday' that was today and Blue was no where to be found they day past he did his normal chores cutting wood spinning whool and helping prepare meals. They had just finished dinner when Blue appeared in their home.
"Finally Blue iv been waiting all day where have you been" Rumple said.
"Let's talk in your room" she lead him to his room and had him sit down
"You are a very strong magician and you must know now what I have always kept from are the savior Rumple wich means it is your job to defend this realm"
Everything she was saying was flowing through his mind he wanted to speak but could find no words
'Him...a savior this couldn't be possible he was the son of a coward not a savior ...and defend the realm why must he defend the realm and from what' he thought this to himself and finally looked up at Blue.
"How is this possible I'm not a savior I'm the son of a coward......and defend the realm...I would only have to defend it if something was coming.
So what's coming?" he was standing up now looking down at her he wasn't tall she was just rather short.
She was quit trying not to make rye contact. "Blue what's coming to attack us?"
She finally looked up at him "The Dark one"

I hope you enjoyed this its my very first fanfic please don't be to harsh on rating it.
Thank you mavethebrave for this prompt chapter 2 should be up soon.

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