The unknown savior. ch.2 prepare for battle

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His face was full of shock. He had heard of the dark one but never seen him he only knew tales and legends of him....or her he wasn't sure.
"I can't face the dark one no one can kill him so how will i"
"That is for you to discover"
"So you train me to use my magic to kill the dark one but you don't know how to kill the dark one!" Rumples eyes filled with rage as he stepped closer to the fairy.

"I never said kill Rumple the dark one can not be killed"

"Then what am I supposed to do"

"Capture him"

"How do I capture the dark one?"

"You will need squid ink from a very dangerous squid at the bottom on the sea"

"How does one get to the bottom of the sea I'll drown before I get a quarter of the way"

"You will meet a woman or shall I say mermaid named Arial in the southern Iles she will take you to the beast giving you breath when needed then you shall slay the beast and cut into the it to find the ink"

He looked at her understanding but a little confused.

"Why can't we just buy it from a pirate or something?"

She sighs "I wish it were that simple but there is none left above the sea the dark one has taken it all he knows it's the only way someone can stop him"

"So I must slay a beast take the ink and somehow make it touch the dark one , but how do I make him touch it?

"The time will come for that for now we must get the ink so you must pack your gear and get ready"

"How long of a journey will this be"

"It's a 3 days ride from here"

He nods grabs his bag and starts to pack

They set off on their journey he kept telling Blue that she could fly them but she insisted that he ride.
So he sattled up and rode off. Him and Blue were set to meat at their destination in 3 days time. He had said bye to marry and promised he would be back. He would ride for a couple hours then let his great stallion rest who he had named Felix when he was young. Rumple and Felix were best friends they rode everyday and when they were both young would pretend to fight dragons and beasts.

Him and Felix were two a two days into their journey riding when they  heard screams coming from in front of them.
Rumple kicked Felix sides "Faster Felix faster!"
Felix sped up as fast as he could as they ran towards the screams they came across four men and a woman. The woman was on the ground her skirts pushed up with a man on top of her as she tried to crawl away the other 3 men were watching and cheering at their friend. Rumple got off Felix drew his sword and walked to the men.

"Get off her!" He yelled and anger swelled through his eyes
The three men turned to look at him
"Put the sword down and we will let you have a piece of her" one of the men said
"I'm not a scoundrel like yourselves now get off her or I'll run all of you through"
"It's four against one you will never win" another man said
"Watch me" Rumple snarled and held his sword up to them
One man swung towards him but he quickly dodged it and jabbed him in his side then kicked him to the ground  and looked at the other three men.
Another man swung at him and Rumple dodged circled around him and ran his sword through his back.
"I'm better at this than you would think" he kicked him away and looked at the other two.
"Who else wants to die?"
The men picked up their stuff and ran away.
Rumple chuckles and walked over to the woman and helped her up
"Are you ok....I hoped they didn't hurt you" 
She nods and fixed her skirt " think I'm ok"
She went to grab her things but collapsed "ahh!" She cried out and grabbed her leg. He immediately got down and felt her leg
"It's broken seems to be just a fracture  but won't heel for a good while"
"That's just great how am I supposed to get home"
He goes to Felix and grabs some first aid equipment. He puts a stick on either side of her leg and wrapped some cloth around it
"I'll take you back to your home if you can give me directions"
She nods and he picks her up and puts her on Felix then he gets on and he takes her to her small cottage ahead and helps her inside.
"Will you be ok on your own my lady"
"I think so thank you so much for what you did back their I didn't catch your name didn't catch your name"
He smiled and bowed to her "Rumplestiltskin"
She smiled
He smiled "And your name would be?"
She bowed as best as she could "Milah Janes"
He smiled
"I must be off now good luck with your leg" and with that he left got back on Felix and continued his journey he would have to explain to Blue why he's gonna be late but it was worth it"

I'm so sorry for the wait iv been busy and had some writers block I finally got some free time to write. I hope you enjoy it I did my very best and I'm sorry for any Grammer problems and such.

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