Worth It

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Title: Worth It

Fandom: Flash, Arrow, DC Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl

Characters: Barry Allen, Oliver Queen

Pairing: Barry/Iris (mentions)

Word Count: 1,300

Summary: "I'm the reason the Dominators came! This is my fault. My mistake." Barry fixes Oliver with an expression that can only be described as scarily calm. "This is my chance to fix it. To fix everything!" "It won't be worth it if you're not safe, Barry!" Oliver snaps. // 03.08 Oliver tries to talk Barry out of sacrificing himself to the Dominators


Barry's gone in a gust of wind and lightning as soon as Oliver turns around. He didn't even give the group a chance to talk about the Dominators demand after the government officials took off in their helicopter.

His fist tightens around his bow and a glare quickly forms on his face. Of course Barry would give himself up at the first opportunity. He could tell that what Agent Nameless had said about the Dominators being here had shaken Barry's confidence. The man knew exactly who the Flash was and how to push his buttons.

He had shamelessly guilt tripped Barry into wanting to take the deal. Oliver could still remember the way Barry's expression had shifted slightly, the self-loathing flickering beneath his lowered eyelids.

"You really wanna save the world? Here's your chance." The man had said mockingly as he approached Barry. Instinctively, Oliver had moved towards Barry – standing protectively at his side and not bothering to hide the rage bubbling beneath his mask.

He had seen the address on the sheet of paper that the agent had pressed into Barry's hand before parting with the words, "You know where to find me."

As he got into his fancy black government car he added, "Don't bring your friends."

There was no doubt that Barry was headed to said address right now.

"Kara!" Oliver practically yelled the address into his com, "you need to stop Barry before he does something stupid." Hopefully, Kara had successfully memorised the map of Central City because there was no way any of them would be able to stop Barry in time.

If anyone could match Barry's speed it would be Supergirl. She was an alien with super strength who could fly. And had heat vision. And who knows what other powers.

Under normal circumstances, Oliver would hate putting the life of someone he cared about in the unknown's hands. But right now all he can hope is that Kara would be able to intercept Barry.

"We should get back to the hangar," Oliver suggests, though it sounds more like an order as he scowls at the empty spot the agent had been in.

Sara's expression is controlled, eyes narrowed and lips pinched together slightly, carefully considering the deal that had been offered. She nods sharply and silently occupies the pilot's seat of the STAR Labs aeroplane.

"Oliver-" Ray starts but stops as Oliver's dirty look is redirected to him. He swallows nervously and opens his mouth again maybe to offer some comforting or encouraging words but shuts it knowing that Oliver wasn't big on talking about emotions.

"Let's just get back as soon as possible." Oliver says, leaving no room for discussion.

The trip back barely takes more than 10 minutes but it's the most stressful 10 minutes of Oliver's life. His mind is working in hyper drive coming up with all the possible scenarios if Barry did sacrifice himself.

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