Chapter 9

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Josh lifted me, from his car, inside and down to his room, luckily his parents weren't home right now. Josh placed me down on his bed before sitting himself down beside me. He held me close to him and made me look into his chest, I didn't want to look anywhere else anyway. I think the heroin was beginning to kick in as I started to relax, I didn't feel afraid anymore. The silence that filled Josh's room was unbearable, I wanted Josh to talk with me.

"Josh? What happened?" I said as I turned my head to look out in the room.

"Please tell me he didn't do anything to you... Say you're okay," Josh brushed his hand on my head and pulled me closer to him with his other hand. 

"I think I'm okay now, Josh... What about you? Did he hit you? Are you hurt?" I asked concerned.

"I'm fine. Let me see you," Josh pulled me away from his chest to look at me. "Did he slap you? I swear I'll kill that son of a bitch!" I grabbed Josh's hand and stroked it lightly to calm him down. 

"Josh, stop. You're not being yourself," I said. Josh looked down at our hands and noticed the mark on my arm from the needle. 

"He fucking didn't," Josh grabbed higher up on my arm and looked closer. "How much did he give you? Are you feeling any form of uncomfortableness or anything?" Josh said and looked back up at me. 

"I pushed him away when he had given me the half of the needle and that's why he slapped me. He said I wasted his drugs... Josh, he held me down with force and I was so afraid," I cried.

"I'm so sorry, baby... Shh, everything will be okay once I'm out of this. I'll never take you there ever again, I promise. I promise. I promise..." Josh kept whispering in my ear and holding me until we heard a knock on the front door. Josh got up and headed upstairs to open, I followed him to see who it was. 

"Hi, Mom." Josh stepped aside in the door to let his mom come inside. "Is Dad not with you or did he stay at Sara's?" Josh asked his mom while closing the front door.

"No, he went to the studio and would be back sometime tonight. I will begin to make dinner soon, is there anything you'll like to have?" Josh's mom asked Josh. 

"I don't care... Uhm Mom I have a guest over that I would like to introduce you to," Josh said. I walked from the door to the basement and over to Josh. I had been so quiet she didn't even notice I was there. Josh's mom turned around and looked at me.

"Oh hello, my name is Corlynn..." She smiled. 

"Hi, I'm Hannah," I said and smiled back.

"Are you joining us for dinner?" Corlynn asked me.

"No, I'll be leaving soon but thanks," Josh grabbed my hand and walked us over to the chairs. He placed his hand around my waist and gently ran his thumb on my hip. 

"Mom, we have something to tell you," Josh said and looked down at me.

"Josh... She's not pregnant, right?" Corlynn asked. I blushed

"No! What! Come on Mom... I just wanted to tell you Hannah is my girlfriend," Josh sounded embarrassed. "I love her very much," He whispered so only I could hear it. I smiled widely and brushed my hand over his lower back. 

"I'm happy for you but remember to be safe you kids," Corlynn said and I blushed again.

"Mom! I know..." Josh was blushing too, it was the first time I've seen him blush. It was very cute. "I'll drive Hannah home now if that's okay. See you in ten minutes," Josh dragged me towards the door.

"Alright. Ten minutes, Ramsay and you'll be at this table again!" Corlynn said as we walked out to Josh's car. We jumped in and Josh started to drive. I liked his mom, she seemed nice and kind. I prayed it would go just as nice with my family if not with Phillip then at least my mom.

We'd be good to each other (Josh Ramsay/Marianas Trench fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now