Chapter 32

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*Hannah's Pov*

Today was the last day of school before my break. I was having my last exam before I graduated. I was really happy to be done with high school. No more bullying, subjects you don't want and best of all I was not a child anymore. I was actually a grown-up that needed to figure out what they wanted in life. I was sure that I would move together somewhere with Josh. That was literally all I wanted as of now. At the school, I just waited until it was my turn to present my final project and when it finally was my turn, I went in. I got a C which was fine by me. I didn't really like physics anyway. With that, I could say I was done, finished, the end. 
Now I only had one problem left. I had to find a prom date... Josh would be the obvious choice but the sad part is, it has to be one who actually goes to Magee. I had no ideas to what boy would go with me. I didn't want to find someone. I had Josh. 

"Hey Hannah!" Someone yelled in the hall. 

I turned around and saw Matt waving to me from the library. It was nice to see him again. I had missed that smile of his. He was such a big help while Josh was away and I hadn't talked to him since Josh got home. How rude of me honestly. While I stood there by my locker in my own thought, Matt had walked up to me. 

"Hi, Hannah. How are you?" Matt said and gave me a hug.

"I'm good... You?" I said and hugged him back.

"I'm great. How is Josh doing? Is he like clean for real now?" Matt asked.

"He's okay now. It's been a couple rough days for him I think," I said.

"Oh, okay... I was wondering. When do you see him again?" Matt asked.

"He's picking me up in 5 minutes, why?" I said.

"That's perfect. Can I go with you and tell him something?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" I asked because I was curious.

"You'll hear..." Matt said and started walking out. 

It was weird actually walking out of the school with someone. I didn't get teased while walking in the hallway, everybody just walked passed us. It felt really nice. When we got outside, I took a look back at the door and said to myself that I'd only have to walk in there once for graduation and prom sometime next week. Matt and I walked over to the parking lot and found Josh standing by his car with a cigarette between his fingers. I had no idea that he started smoking. I didn't want to take the talk about it while Matt was there though. We approached him and he threw the cigarette on the ground when he saw me as if I hadn't seen it... 

"Hey, Darling..." He embraced me. 

"Hi, Josh. Matt has something to tell you," I said and backed out of his hold. 

"Hey, Josh. Good to see you again, dude," Matt said.

"You too, Matt. How's everything?" Josh asked.

"It's honestly great. I found us a drummer!" Matt said excitedly. 

"What! Really?" Josh almost jumped of excitement. "That's awesome," He said.

"We're meeting him this weekend," Matt told us. 

"Let's do it at my dad's recording studio. Seems more legit then," Josh said.

"Sounds fantastic, Josh. See you guys Sunday then," Matt said.

"Yeah, definitely," Josh said.

"See you, Matt..." I said.

Then Matt took off and we got into the car. Josh drove us home to his place and we just went down into his bedroom. We were by ourselves because his parents were out working for some band. I could see he hadn't been cleaning his room since he got home and it really needed to. There was clothes and dirty plates and glasses everywhere. His sheets were all messed up too.

We'd be good to each other (Josh Ramsay/Marianas Trench fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now