The Hospital

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I was awaken by the annoying beeping of my alarm clock. With my eyes still closed, I slammed my hand onto the place where my clock should be. Instead it met air and flopped. What the fuck? I thought to myself as I opened my eye expecting to have fallen asleep on the wrong side of my bed, but found myself looking at an unknown room. Everything was white, there was a drone of the low volume T.V. hanging above me, and a beige curtains hung above an open window.

I looked towards the door to see a man sitting in the chair next to it. His head lay in his hands, his jet black hair falling slightly over his fingers. His golden skin looked pale, I couldn’t tell whether it was the light or if he was just worn out. He wore a tight black shirt with the arms missing and some loose, dark jeans with black Vans to match.

He must have felt me staring because he looked up then, he’s eyes equal to his hair, upon closer examination I found gold flickers mixed with what I thought to be pure ebony. He stood at what looked like 6”5’ but I couldn’t be certain, long lean muscles coiled around his arms; a breath taking smile spread across his face as he got up and approached me. When I no longer felt safe with his distance, I asked “Who’re you?”

That made him stop. A small frown replaced his wide smile but he quickly recovered. “I forgot. You were passed out when we first met.” he said seeming like I knew what he was talking about. I continued to look at him with what I was sure was the stupidest face on the face of the earth.

“My name is Michael. Michael Loach.” he reaches out his hand for me to shake, I do. His hands shoots electricity into my veins. Sparks fly like nothing I could have imagined, and if I wasn’t laying down I would have fallen over from impact.


“Emery Evangeline Emerson. I know.”

“And how is that?” I ask not really sure how to go about this.

“I saw your car go off the cliff. Then I saw you were passed out in the water, so I-um-I guess-um I sorta- I got you to the hospital.” he ended dully.

“By that you mean you saved me?” I knew I was right but I asked anyways.

“I didn’t want to put it that way but sure.” he looks away then, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Where are my parents?” I asked, wondering why they weren’t with me.

“They’re at work. I told them I would stay with you until they’re finished. They said okay.”

“They let a complete stranger watch over their only daughter?” I whispered.

“I’m only a total stranger to you, I’ve kept a steady relationship with your parents and some of your friends for almost two weeks now.” he stated bluntly.

“How? I don’t mean to be offensive or anything, but this is somewhat of a pretty small town and I know everyone here. So if you’ve been around for two weeks now, I think I may have noticed.”

“Right, I forgot. You’ve been out for two weeks Emery. That’s why your parents are fine with my being here. That’s why your friends and family know me. I’ve been watching over you for as long as you’ve been in the hospital.” he eyes softened while he told me this, and he reached over to touch my hand. I only barely felt the wondrous sparks from before because my head was spinning.

Memories of the funeral and the events leading up to my sending my car soaring off he cliff made no sense now. Knowing that there was a two week gap from then to now. My body began to feel hot and my head began to pound. Everything was hurting, mashing together and not making sense. From somewhere in the room a very loud very fast beeping was sounding and a few moments later a nurse rushed into the room. She shouted something I couldn’t hear to Michael who reluctantly stepped away.

His hand released from mine and a needy feeling washed over me. I wanted to be back with him, holding his hand, because somehow that felt right. I wanted to curse at the nurse for moving him away, but I couldn’t get my mouth to move- rather I couldn’t get it to move the way I wanted. Instead of arguing with her for breaking our hold, an earth shattering scream erupted from somewhere deep inside me.

I heard Michael scream too, only it wasn’t quite a scream, it was more animalistic and wild. He jumped at the nurse, but before he could reach her, four or five large men that looked similar to Michael busted into the room restricting his reach from her and in turn me. The men pushed and shoved Michael until he was out of the room the door closed behind them and the nurse stuck a needle into my arm. It stung at first but a second later the pain was gone.

The door shot open and Michael flew back into the room making the nurse jump but me smile. She yelled for the men to come back into the room, and just as they did, my mouth began to work again. “Could he stay?” I asked in the smallest most innocent voice could muster, and every single eye darted towards me.

“I think you need to rest honey. Just go to sleep.”

“I promise I’ll sleep. Just let him stay.” I don’t know why I wanted him around so badly but I did. Maybe it had something to do with the intriguing sensation that spread through my body when he touched me, or the way his eyes had softened when he told me what happened. Perhaps it could have been the way his face brightened up when he saw me, or maybe just maybe there was just something wrong with me, but I wanted him to stay on the couch next to my bed and hold my hand until I fell asleep. It just seemed right.

Michael had been fuming when he arrived in the room, but after hearing my question a large wolfish smile exploded on his face and he came to stand next to me. The nurse looked back and forth between us then shook her head. “Okay but if I get anymore interruptions with her health’ as god as my witness, Michael Loach, I will kick you out of this hospital and make sure you never come around this here girl ever again!” she said before spinning on her heals and going her way.

Michael reached down and touched my hand sending sparks zooming through me. I looked up at his to see he was smiling down at me which in turn made me smile back. The men who had “oh so kindly escorted” Michael out of the room shuffled awkwardly before Michael said “Leave.” and they scattered like flies.

Michael then sat on the couch and just held my hand like I wanted him to .

Just Like That.

I fell into a deep sleep, filled with peace for the first time since my brothers death.

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