The Girl Talk

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Playfully I shoved her away. “There’s nothing to tell.” I say blushing slightly for god knows what reason.

“Don’t lie to me. Who is he? Why’s he in your room? And can I have him?” she said in a almost seductive voice.

“I’m not lying. His name is Michael. He’s the guy that saw my car go off the edge and saved me. He wants to make sure I’m fine, he’s staying so my parents can work. And I don’t think so, he most likely has a girlfriend and if he doesn’t then I have dibs.” I tried whispering but of course the guys heard me.

“That guy, really? He looks like a meat head.” Seth said snuggling closer to me. Peanut then plopped himself into an empty chair and said “Yeah, he doesn’t look very nice either…seems like the kind of guy that would push me into a locker or something.”

“Nutter Butter, c’mere.” I say waving him forward. He lazily stands up and makes his way to me. “No one’s going to do that to you anymore. You’re stronger than that remember. Just blow the bitch up.” I say, causing everyone to laugh knowing all too well what Peanut was capable of.

Did I forget to mention that we all had supernatural abilities? Cause we do. Peanut can make this explode with his mind, Lolita is like a charmer, with one touch you’re under her spell, Seth’s a pyromaniac but not in the way you’d think, he can make fire from any part of his body, and then there’s me; I can move things with my mind. We all discovered we had these powers a few months ago, when my brother had a bonfire and well, everything just kind of appeared.

“I still don’t understand why you get dibs.” Lolly pouted.

“Because you can have any guy you want. You can have dibs on any sibling that he has.” I said fighting for him for a reason I was unaware of.

“You’re seriously going to go for that guy Em? I mean he doesn’t seem like your type.” Seth said playing with a lock of my hair. I looked at him. Seth Darwin. The head of the football team, homecoming king. The one guy that could have anything he wanted. And he was jealous of Michael who he nor I knew nothing about.

“Who are you to say what’s my type and what isn’t?” I asked raising my eyebrows at him. He shrugged his shoulders and looked away, not ready to tell me what he was thinking. “I don’t even think I would go with him anyways…he must be at lease 21.” I said as an after thought and Seth perked up, Peanut unfortunately became more worried.

“What if he likes you and he like tries to rape you or something?” he took on a sickly green colour as he said this. Poor poor Peanut. I thought as I touched his soft face.

“I’ll kick his sorry ass.” I said in a sweet voice. My comment seemed to reassure him and he clambered back to the chair he was sitting in.

“If he did try to have sex with you, it wouldn’t be rape ‘cause you would want it Emery.” Lolly said carefully inspecting her nail polish. That caused me to blush a deep shade of red. “I’m serious though Em. If he wanted to get in your pants you’d let him without a doubt. He’s too hot to pass up.”

“I have self control.” I said, not lying but not denying what she said either. She laughed like that was the best joke she’d heard in her life. Seth took on a very angry ace and his skin began to burn as Peanut’s green skin tone returned. Before I could say more there was a quite rapping at my door. “It’s open.” I said, and in walked my doctor who I’d known my entire life.

“Well. Looks like the gang’s all here.” he said then he looked at me “I am here with all your test results and your prognosis.” He said holding up a manila folder. He then looked at the three teenagers sitting askew in the room.

“Oh sure. We’ll leave you to it. If you need anything just holler babe.” Lolita said

Just like that, ushering the other two out of the room.

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