The Prognosis

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"Quite some gang you got going there Emery I have to say. I still don’t know how you managed to gather them all up. With all of you being so different and all." he said closing the door after them.

"We're not as different as we come off doc." I replied unfazed by his all too familiar statement. 

"Okay Emery Emerson, I assume you’re ready for your prognosis?" he asked and with a nod of my head he began to flip through pages on his all too full clipboard and mumble to himself. I waited patiently for him to begin. "Ah, you are. Okay, well you have obviously sprained your wrist and ankle, along with the bruised ribs, and burned neck from the airbags, you have a slight case of whiplash and a small cut on your forehead. You also have a minor concussion. So you haven’t remembered anything from the last time you woke up." he closed his clipboard and looked up at me with a sweet smile on his face.

“Any questions?”

“When do I get out of here?”

“We would like to keep you for observational purposes for the next two days and then I’ll clear you to leave.” I nodded "How do you feel my dear?" he asked taking a step closer. 

"I'm in a lot of pain; I would never have guessed sinking my car would hurt so much."

"Yes well, your ribs are only bruised because Michael didn’t have to break them while doing CPR, your wrist and ankle are sprained because you were hitting the glass and your foot was stuck and you got the cut while falling, or landing I guess." and after a short pause he continued "But that’s not what I was talking about.” He gave me a look, one I had grown all too used to. It was the look that said “How are you taking your brother’s death because I have no understanding of personal space and time to cope.”

I took a deep breath before I answered him, not really sure what to say just yet. I hadn’t thought about it. “He was my brother, and now he’s gone. I don’t really know what to do with myself. It was always Erik and Emery, now it’s just Emery and she doesn’t really know what to do without her brother. I’m alone for the first time in my entire life; I just lost the other half of me. So I’m not doing so well. There will never be a more horrid time in my life than this.”  I said honestly. This was the first time I had told anyone that. And I wasn’t sure why I did it. I was used to telling people that I didn’t want to talk, because I didn’t, but once my mouth opened up, I couldn’t stop the words from coming out.

He nodded solemnly before turning to leave, but he paused at the door. “You know Emery, you’re not alone. You have your parents and your friends, and the young man that saved your life. If you ask me I’d say he was an angel sent by God to watch over you now that your brother is gone.” He gave me a slight smile before nodding and opening the door, then nodding at my friends sitting outside before leaving.

Peanut and Seth made their way into my room and took their places back at my bed. “Where’s Loli?” I asked trying to sit up straight. Seth held my shoulder showing me I had to stay down before saying “She’s on the phone with her parents, its Monday night.” I pouted.

A few seconds later Lolita walked in the room and said “Everything’s okay I handled it, I told them to suck it, my love is hurt and needs my help.” She said proudly while lying on my bed.

“Loll, its family night; you have to be with your family. Your mother already hates me; she doesn’t need another reason for you not to be around me.” I said to her calmly.

“But you’re in the hospital.” She whined.

“Yeah and I’m not getting out of here till Wednesday, so come see me when it’s not on family time or school time for that matter.” She rolled her eyes but nodded.

After giving me a kiss on the cheek she said au revoir and cleared it.

“What about you Seth? You have any plans that I should know about?” He gave me a sly smile and said “Not one thing, I’m all yours for the night.”

“He’s lying.” Peanut said. “He had a date with Marcy Greene tonight. He blew her off to come see you.”

“Marcy Greene! Seth its Marcy Greene! You can’t do that, you’ve been playing cat and mouse forever now!” I half shouted at him.

“But it’s you we’re talking about. You’re all banged up and in the hospital, you need my love!” he complained.

“No I don’t. Go get your date back. I’ll be here tomorrow. You can do whatever it is you’re talking about then.”

He huffed but complied as he kissed me on my forehead cut and said his goodbyes with Peanut.

“And you my lovely Jelly. What are you neglecting tonight?” Peanut shrugged and lowered himself down to a lying position.

“World of Warcraft, and red bull.” I smiled and looked at him from the corner of my eye.

“Well then. I guess it’s just me and you.”

And just like that, Michael Loach walked through the door.

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