6 Draco

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So I just updated this story like I legit wrote over two hundred new words at the end so you don't need to read everything but just the end.

When it was only one week again before Christmas Draco had opened one of his biggest wounds and he didn't want to see the healer that was supposed to have a checkup on him in 6 days because he knew that the seconds she saw it he wouldn't be allowed to leave his bed for a week or more, and he did not want to spent time alone in his bed just which his thoughts.

It brought back to many bad memories.

So he walked as if nothing was wrong even though it hurt like a bi*ch. Blaise and Pansy didn't get fooled so he had to tell them after 4 days, to say the least they where not pleased.

"Draco! You need to see the healer today!"
"No Pans I can"t then I will have to lay in bed without moving for a week and I don't want to lay in bed all alone just with my thoughts!"
"You know that Pans and me will stay with you right?" Draco turned to Blaise
"No, I wouldn't allow you to stay with me and ruin Christmas for you. Can you just promise me you won't tell anyone?"

Both Pansy and Blaise sighted and nodded their heads, they didn't like it but they understood that they'd probably do the same thing if they where in his shoes.

When the day came when the healer where supposed to check on him Draco avoided it the whole day until the healer had to go home to spend time with her husband.

The healer doesn't work on Sunday's so Draco didn't need to run from her the next day.

The next day Draco really noticed the change in how many people that was in the castle. It's was almost empty. If you didn't go to eat in the great hall and saw that it actually where people here you would most likely not know that it was other people in the castle.


The only witches and wizards at Hogwarts where almost every thatcher and 7 Ravenclaw girls  where Draco only recognizes Luna Lovegood and 4 Ravenclaw boys that Draco had talked to sometimes in between classes but didn't really recognize. 6 gryffindors, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom and a girl that looked like a second year. There where no Hufflepuffs that Draco could see and there where only three slytherins, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson.

Since the slytherin trio was one of the last to come in the great hall everybody gave them a quick look before going back to what they where doing. Draco had never been at Hogwarts during Christmas so he didn't know that there would be just one round little table for everyone that stayed at Hogwarts. He didn't mind though.

It was placed chairs around the table instead of benches. It was four chairs left to sit on so they sat down on the three that was beside each other.

When they came in they where rasing.

"Haha suckers I won AGAIN hahah" Pansy said
"Hmf. Woah where are the tables?" Draco said
Blaise hit the back of his head
"are you totally stupid or something! Look there" and then he pointed at the round table.
"Pshhhhh I knew that" Draco answeard

Pansy, Blaise and Draco sat down at the table

"Good morning everybody!" Pansy said to everybody around the table. The gryffindors looked a little wierd at her but the Ravenclaws that usually had table beside the slytherins knew that she did this every morning and answered with a smile and a "good morning"  along with the teachers.

"Blaise!" Pansy shouted while Draco started to laugh at his two friends. Blaise had eaten almost every fries that Pansy had on her plate.
"Why did you do that! Now I don't have any left" Blaise looked at Pansy and started to chuckle.
The gryffindors looked at the slytherins and was wondering what was happening, while the ravenclaws again was used to this.
"Ah!" Draco had leaned backwards so his wound hurt.

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