Chapter 2: Moving Day

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I woke up at 5:00 a.m. because I felt Caspian trying to climb down to the foot of the bed to go down stairs. I sat up and asked him to wait because I didn't want him to fall and get hurt. He woke up happy today and Carson was still sleeping. Caspian and I ran down the stairs just as we saw Mom walk into the garage. We followed her to see where she was going so early in the morning. When we walked into the garage we saw Dad, Brody, Maddie, Trevor, and Mom filling the vehicles with all the boxes we had packed last night.

Brody has his 1966 Mustang and is hauling the little things in the back seat. He had stuff like quilts, pillows, and other soft, nonbreakable things because he drives like a crazy person. Dad's truck was going to have breakables in the passenger seat, random boxes in the back seat and bed of the truck. Also, he will have a uhaul trailer behind his truck with the bigger pieces of furiture inside. Mom's SUV will have more random boxes and Dad's work trailer with more boxes inside of it. Maddie's SUV will have more boxes and her boyfriend is coming with, but he has to leave his car here because it is in the shop getting fixed. When Trevor's car is fixed Maddie will bring him to back to pick it up. My truck will have a few boxes in the back seat because Brendan, Carson, and Caspian will be in my truck. Brendan will sit in the passenger seat with a box between us on the bench seat, with Carson and Caspian in the back and between them is a few boxes. I will also have a uhaul trailer behind my truck. The bed of my truck will have bookshelves and things like that tied down, so it doesn't fall out.

Once I realized that we needed to leave by 6:30 a.m. I grab Caspian and run upstairs. I woke up Carson and gave them their baths. Once they were all dried off, I got them dressed and told them to go to the garage and stay with Mom and Dad. Then I ran into Brendan's room and woke him up. I told him to take a shower and get to the garage to help pack stuff into vehicles. Once I knew he was getting ready, I grabbed my clothes and ran to the basement bathroom to take my last shower in this house. Once I got out of the shower, I put on my NRA (National Rifle Association) t-shirt, my boot cut jeans, and my muddy boots because the clean ones I packed into a box already. I walked up stairs and went to the garage where everyone was packing things into vehicles. I grabbed some boxes and worked them into the vehicles that were not full yet.

The last box was slid in the back seat of my Mom's SUV. We all went into the garage and my mom said to walk around the house and check and see if we forgot anything. Before I did that I realized that Carson and Caspian were asleep in the corner of the garage, so I went over and picked up Carson and walked to my truck. I slid my seat forward and slowly placed him into his car seat and buckled him in. Then, I slid my seat back and went and picked up Caspian and took him to the passenger side of my truck. I slid the seat forward, placed him in his seat and buckled him in. I slid the seat back and closed the door, I walked to the drives side of my truck and stuck my key in the ignition. I pushed the clutch down and started the truck, then I looked at the clock and it said 6:25 a.m.

I walked inside the house and checked over the whole thing and only found one of Dad's bibles from when he was a kid, so I took it to his truck and then climbed in my truck and waited for everyone else to come outside. When everyone came out I climbed out of my truck and left the door open so I didn't wake Caspian or Carson. My parents said we would drive for an hour and a half and then stop for breakfast, but we could go by the gas station and get drinks and a snack before we head out of town. Mom dismissed us to our vehicle and said to drive safe.

Brendan climbed in an buckled up, I asked him to close the door quietly, so he didn't wake the twins. He closed it so quiet that I barely heard it. I buckled up check the twins and turned the radio on to a low volume and told Brendan to pick a station. Of course he would pick country and I knew it, but he knew I liked it so that's why he picked it. I checked my phone before we left out of our driveway, but since it was so early nobody had messaged me yet. I put my phone back in my pocket and watched as Mom pulled out of the driveway, then Maddie and Trevor, then Brody, then Dad, and behind him was me. I could tell Brendan was sad and didn't want to move, I didn't want to move either.

"Hey Bren, Do you want to go to Freddy's and get shakes instead of getting just a plain old drink from the gas station?" I asked.

"Yes I do D!" He replied "You have always made me feel better when I have been sad."

We still have to go to the gas station for gas, but we went towards town instead of towards the gas station on the edge of town. When we got to the parking lot of Freddy's, I attempted to wake up the twins.

"Caspian wake up buddy." I said "Carson come on bud."

"What are we doing here?" Carson said.

"Since Caspian didn't wake up do you think he would want a shake?" I asked.

"Yes he would be mad if he didn't get one" He said "I want one, too!"

"Okay. I'll be right back." I answered.

I told Brendan to lock the doors when I got out because I didn't want them to get kidnapped. I got 2 large chocolate shakes and 2 small chocolate shakes. When they called my number I went and picked them up and took them back to the truck. I told the twins not to spill it on the seat because it won't come out very easily. Then we got back on the road and met the rest of the family at the gas station. I got out and put gas in my truck and then climbed in, buckled up and we got on the road for our 10 hour car ride.

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