Chapter 5: Leaving The Hospital

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I felt Taylor move under the side of my head and I slowly opened my eyes to see him staring down at me smiling. I looked up and smiled back at him and once he noticed I was smiling at him he stroked my head.

"The doctor came in an said we can go home in a few minutes." He said

"Really?!?!" I screamed "I miss my family."

Taylor saw that I was getting tears in my eyes and wiped the tear when it rolled down my cheek. His hand was so gentle on my cheek. I could feel my cheeks getting red from his hand ever so gently wiping away the tears. I shoved my face into his side, so he wouldn't notice my cheeks. Apparently, he saw my cheeks because I heard him chuckle and he put his hand on my head.

I rolled over when I heard someone walk in the room. It was the nurse saying that my parents left because they needed sleep. I didn't know how I was going to get home, but then Taylor said his parents were on the way and that they could take me home. I got surprised that he didn't just say that my parents would be back for me later and just leave me there. I agreed to his idea and we waited for his parents to show up at the hospital.

Taylor's parents appeared in the doorway, they walked over to Taylor and helped him off the bed and towards the wheelchair, to wheel him to the car, but he walked behind the wheelchair and pushed it over to my side of the hospital bed. He slowly lowered the railing and helped me sit up slow, so I didn't get dizzy. Once I was sitting up, he sat down in the wheelchair and helped me sit on his lap. His mom smiled and walked towards the door while his dad went behind the wheelchair and pushed us through the door. I rested my head on his shoulder as we were pushed towards the exit doors.

Once we got to the car Taylor's mom helped me into the car and as I sat down I saw Taylor's dad push him to the other side of the car. Once he got in and put his seat belt on he grabbed my hand. My head was throbbing because we didn't get any pain medicine before we left the hospital, so I let go of his hand and set my elbows on my knees and rested my hands on my forehead because that where my head hurt the most. I could hear anything but my heartbeat. The first thing I did hear was a seat belt unhook, so I looked over and Taylor had unbuckled to scoot to the middle seat. Once he got settled with his seat belt hooked he stared at me for a long time.

"What's wrong?" He whispered.

"My head is killing me." I whispered back.

"It probably hurts worse than mine because I only got 5 stitches, while you got 20. I mean mine is on the back of my head, but yours in on the front." Taylor replied.

I started to cry because my head started to hurt so bad, I went to set my head down on my knee, but on accident I slammed my head down on the edge of my knee. I started to cry so hard that Taylor's parents pull the car over, but he told them he would take care of me. He picked up my head and tried to wipe away the tear, but they were coming so fast that he couldn't. He inhaled quickly, which made his parents turn to see what was wrong. They were all looking at the bandage on my head, so I went to put my hand on it and Taylor grabbed my hand right before I touched it. He said when we got to my house he would take care of it. He scooted back to the seat behind the driver and told me to lie down across the seat and set my head on his leg.

Once I was laying down his mom handed him a napkin and he softly set it on top of my stitches and put a little pressure on it. He didn't want it to hurt, but honestly I was still crying so I didn't know he was putting pressure on my head. I couldn't hear anything, but him asking me to stop crying because he didn't want me to be sad. He knew I was in pain and he was trying to comfort me. I knew for a fact that I would rather die than go back to the hospital. I slowed down my crying just as we pulled in my driveway. I sat up really fast and got light headed, so I lied back down and Taylor knew exactly why I lied back down. He got me to sit back up and told his parents he would help me upstairs.

We got out of the car and walked slowly to the door, he opened it and walked in behind me, so he could close the door. Once he closed the door he saw that I was already at the bottom of the stairs and about to head up them. He raced over and helped me up the stairs and got me into bed. Taylor gave me my phone and phone charger, so I could charge my phone. He told me he would text me, then he slowly and quietly walked out of my door.

I drifted to sleep thinking about Taylor and me finally being out of the hospital. I heard a "BUZZ" "BUZZ" noise and opened my eyes, when I looked at my phone it said Taylor had sent me a message. I typed in my password and opened my messages, He asked if I was feeling better now that I was home. I sent a message back saying, I feel a little better, but I'm bored. I set my phone down and got up, the time said it was 8:32 p.m. I got dressed in some jeans and my basketball jersey, it was easier to put on than a normal t-shirt, and my old under armor shoes.

My parents and siblings have been sleeping ever since they left the hospital, so I knew they were still asleep. I slid through the little crack Taylor had left in my door and headed for the stairs. I crept down the stairs so quietly that I could have heard a mouse scurry across the floor. Once I was at the bottom of the stairs, I went to the garage and got my keys. I lifted the garage just enough that I could slide underneath it, I ran to the garage that my truck was in and typed in the numbers. I got in my truck and knew everyone inside my house would hear my truck start, so I had to go fast. I started the engine and saw the light to my parents room come on, so I slammed my truck into gear and sped out of the driveway. I looked down the road before entering it and saw that Taylor was on the front porch and his eyes shot to my truck when he saw it leave the driveway.

Once I was on the road I glanced back to see Taylor's truck speeding backwards out of his driveway, so I sped up to try to get out of his range of sight. I came to the stop sign and saw his lights come over the hill and slammed down the gas pedal and sped through town. Once I thought I was ahead of him enough I slid my truck into an alleyway and turned my lights off, so he couldn't see my truck. I saw his truck drive by and waited to see if he would head back to his house. I saw him pass by once more, so I decided I would pull out and go for a drive on the other side of town.

It felt like I drove for 10 minutes, but when I looked at the time it was 3:00 a.m. I knew when I got back home I was gonna be in a hell lot of trouble. I headed home and on my way I stopped and got a shake for the ride.

I pulled in the driveway to see my whole family, Taylor and his family, and a few police officers sitting on the front steps. I ignored them and backed my truck into it's garage and closed the garage door. I headed for the garage door that I had cracked open and noticed it was still open, which means they didn't notice it. I heard footsteps coming from the side of the garage headed my way, so I ran and did a softball slide under the garage door. I ran to the door that connected the house and garage and pushed the button to close the garage door before someone noticed it. I sped to the stairs and ran as fast as I could up them, when I got to my room I slammed the door and looked for a place to hide the spare key to my truck. I slid it under my dresser just as the door opened, I grabbed a book to make it look like I was reading.

Everyone but Taylor's parents and the police piled into my room like someone stuffing napkins into a napkin dispenser. All at once everyone started to scream at me, I look at all their faces and the one person I looked for was Taylor, but I saw him in the corner with the most worried look ever on his face.

I dropped my head and started to cry, "I'm sorry okay, it was driving me crazy not to be able to drive my truck! I couldn't take it anymore! I know it was crazy, but you know how after I had my skin cancer was removed and you wouldn't let me drive my four wheeler, but one night I snuck out and drove it and broke all the stitches, that's how I felt."

Taylor's eyes shot up because he didn't know I had skin cancer. My family all stopped and walked out of the room leaving me and Taylor alone. He ran over and gave me the tightest hug ever and said he was worried that I wouldn't come back or that I would crash. I couldn't help but to cry all the tears I had left, I rested my head on his thigh. He rubbed my back up and down, like when we were in the hospital. I slowly drifted to sleep. I woke up to Taylor trying to get up to head home, but I grabbed him and he picked me up, carried me to bed and lied down on the outside edge. I cuddled into him and fell back asleep with his hand gently brushing my hair.

The Girl With The Truck And The Country BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora