Chapter 4: A Horrible Day

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I woke up to the sound of Caspian and Carson running up and down the hallway. I sat up and looked at my phone, it was 11:30 a.m. Once I got done looking through my social medias, I got up and went down stairs to be greeted by Taylor and his family. They came over to meet my family because we just moved here and we don't know anyone yet. When I noticed that Taylor was looking at me I ran back up the stairs and heard a little chuckle as I ran up the stairs.

Taylor's POV

My family made me come with them over to Danielle's house to meet them since they are new and don't know anyone. My mom wants a lot of friends, so she can have them over and make the rest of us leave the house for a few hours. Once I turned around to see who was coming down the stairs, I noticed that it was Danielle. She was still in pajamas, with her hair in a loose braid that had a lot of fly away hairs. She looked so hot and if I was dating her I would run over and crash my lips against her. She noticed I was staring at her, she turned and raced up the stairs. I couldn't help but laugh because she was so cute when she got scared of my family seeing her in her pajamas. It is gonna be hard not to kiss her when we hang out because she is just so damn hot.

Danielle's POV

I can't believe he saw me like this, I look so stupid. I sat in my room for a few minutes, then I decided to get dressed. I put on another pair or boot cut jeans, one of Brody's old ripped down the side t-shirt, and my dirty boots. I put my hair into a cleaner braid after I brushed my hair. I was going to wear my ball cap, but then I remember that it is in my box in the garage. I didn't want to make even more of a fool our of myself. I started thinking and I had my keys with me, so I could just make a run for it. I thought of yesterday when I would turn around to see Carson and Caspian and I remember I had a cow girl hat and baseball hat hanging on the back window rack. If I made a run for the truck I could just wear one of those hats. I slowly open my bedroom door so it doesn't make any noise, I slowly tip toe to the top of the stairs until I can see down the stairs. I'm just going to run for it, I run and skip a step or two on my way down. Once I get to the bottom I turn my head and when I look back forward I see Taylor right in front of me. I try to stop, but I can't and I run right into him.

Taylor's POV

I start talking to Brody and I kept an ear open for Danielle because that's who I actually wanted to talk to. Brody just talks about football and basketball, I think that is all he ever does. I heard something that sounds like someone tip toeing around up stairs. I got a little smile on my face and then Danielle's dad called Brody to the garage for something, so I peaked around the wall that divides the kitchen from the stair case and saw Danielle eye staring at the garage door. I knew she was going to try to run down the stairs and get out so I don't see her. I'm going to slide in the way so she will run into me. I'm going to act like nothing happened. I look up and see her racing down the stairs and I know it's gonna hurt when I hit the ground. I feel her hit my chest and we both slam into the corner of the bar. The back of my head hits the corner and I didn't want her face to get hit, so I pulled her over to the edge, but right before I black out I see her head hit the flat part of the counter. Then everything went black.

Danielle's POV

I wake up and I'm laying on top of Taylor, I go to roll over my head starts to throb so I grab for my head and when I bring my hand back down it is covered in blood. I just rest my head on his shoulder and go to close my eye, but then I hear people crying and an ambulance siren in the distance. My Dad comes over and tells me I have to stay awake. I climb off of Taylor and lean against a lower cabinet and look over and see Taylor with a pool of blood around his head and freak out. I crawl over and lay next to him and start to cry, half because my head hurts and half because I don't remember what happened. My head starts to hurt so bad that I just close my eyes and everything goes blank.

I wake up again but this time i'm in the hospital with an oxygen mask on. I ripe it off my face and throw it at the ground, I lean forward and see all the wires on my arm and pull them out carefully. Once I get it out the machine goes off so I run for it. I run out the door and to the left and I see Taylor in the room right new too mine, so I run in there and look at him and get tears in my eyes and hear someone run in behind me and grab my arms, I scream and Taylor's eyes open in a flash. He pulls out all the wires and oxygen mask and throws them off. He jumps up and yells at the person that has a hold of me.

"If you don't let go of her I'm gonna beat your face in until it is like a pancake!"He screams.

The hands that are holding me let go and I fall forward into Taylor 's arms. I slide behind him so he is between me and whoever had a hold of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I don't know because I don't remember anything, but hitting you at the bottom of the stairs." I reply. "I just want to go home."

"I know you do, but we have to wait until they let us leave." Taylor said.

"I don't like it here" I said. "I'm scared."

"What if we ask if we can share a room?" He said.

"I'll still be scared" I replied. "I've been scared of hospitals all my life. "

"Then we can share a bed." Taylor said.

I agreed and they let us share a bed. I was so scared, but he just put his arm around me and held my hand. Everything feeling left when I was with him. I slowly drifted to sleep with him rubbing my arm. He apparently went to sleep because I woke up to his machine going off. I start to move and freak out and cry because I don't like the sound of the machines. He woke up and wrapped him arms around me just as a nurse came to reconnect a wire. I was crying and it was hard to breath, but then he start to rub my back and I calmed down and this time I waited for him to fall asleep and then I fell asleep with my arms wrapped tightly around him.

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