A dash of trouble

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After the coronation for princess rainbow dash, twilight, apple jack, rarity, pinkie pie, flutter shy and spike where all talking about what rainbow should do next." So rainbow what are y'all gonna do now" said apple jack. " I'm not sure yet AJ I'm kinda still getting used to the Whole magic business" rainbow said with a bit of uncertainty in her voice. " well I can help u with your magic if you want dashie" twilight said. " thanks twi your the best " rainbow said before giving her lover a hug then kissed her on the cheek. " umm rainbow " flutter shy said in a whisper barely recognizable. " rainbow " she said it a bit louder. " what's up flutters" dash said with a look of confusion. " aren't those your parents over there " flutter shy said and she pointed a hoof . Everypony looks over and sees dash parents talking to the princess's. then princess Luna points over to where dash was standing. Rainbow gasp as her parents walked over. " umm girls can u give me a sec with my parents" rainbow said with a bit of worry in her voice. They all nodded their heads and walked away.

Princess rainbow Dash Where stories live. Discover now