A place to hide

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Twilight was in the throne room. When all of a sudden a big Flash of light and the whole room went blank."rainbow dash" twilight said " I really need to work on that " dash said will rubbing her head twilight ran up to dash and gave her a kiss " dash I can't believe it your here " twilight said with a big smile " ya me neither I kinda ran away from my parents so could a hide here for a bit" dash said with a loll of fear "of course you can " twilight said. A few days had passed and rainbow was sitting in twilight room reading daring do when all of a sudden she hears five ponys giggling out sit the door " what in the world. What are they doing" rainbow thought in her head. Then twilight put her head in the door " hey dash I go a surprise for u " she said with a. Devious smile. Then all of a sudden five pony jumped on dash. They all said " happy birthday rainbow dash" rainbow was taken by surprise and yelped. When all her friends got off twilight spoke up " know how your the princess of sex right" she said to dash " ya what about it " dash said with a bit of a blush " well we thought since it's your birthdays could u now fool around."

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