The Ferengi Ambassadorial party... Oh Hell

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"Captain's log, Stardate 08.11.2299. We have arrived at the planet Ferenginar to pick up the Ferengi Ambassador and his aides. The entire crew is prepared to deal with their sexist views. Commander Jackloq informed me he will be protecting every female individual with extreme force if they do not back off. The Ambassadors won't be allowed to the bridge and will be watched by security personnel to prevent them from stealing anything that belongs to any of the officers. Commander Marcus will be in charge of the tour around the ship before leading them to their assigned quarters. Commander Jackloq will be assisting him." Victoria reported.

"The Ferengi are ready to be beamed up." Oakos informed.

The female captain pressed the com button on her armchair. "Bridge to Transporter room, they are ready to beam up."

"On it, Captain."


Commander Marcus groaned as he entered the Transporter room. It was not his best day, everybody could see that. Who would like to welcome Ferengi aboard their ship when not interested in trading.

The Chief of Security stood nearby the door as the transporter was activated, materializing the Ferengi Ambassador and his three aides on the platform.

"Ambassador Quack, welcome to the USS Ranger. I am Commander Marcus, your guide and confidant during your stay aboard our ship." the Mesopotami male said.

The orange skinned Ambassador looked up. "I had expected the Captain to be here. I find it rude of him that he's not here."

David sighed. "Due to cultural differences and the fact that our Captain is female, she's still on the bridge which will be off limits to the four of you."

The Ambassador was taken back, but it was one of the aides who made an inappropriate comment. "A female in command of a Federation flagship? This is outrageous!"

"Excuse me if I'm blunt," the Klingon Commander began as he stepped forward, towering over the four Ferengi. "but Victoria Kirk is the best Captain in Starfleet, she earned this position fair and square."

"Excuse my aide, he's young and inexperienced with the culture of other races within the Federation. Belgo, haven't you read the briefing?" Quack said, turning his head to the offending aide as he spoke.

"I didn't think it was important." the young male confessed.

"Then now you know it is as we travel with a non-Ferengi vessel. You better read that briefing tonight." the Ambassador turned back to Marcus. "Tell your Captain that I do expect her to visit our quarters."

David bowed a little. "I shall do so. Please, I will show you your quarters."

The group walked out of the Transporter room, flanked by security officers.

"Is this standard procedure?" another aide, the only female one, asked.

"My Captain likes to be precautious, this is so that you won't be harmed by the few officers who have anti-Ferengi views and that you won't go around stealing or harassing the female officers. Previous encounters between Starfleet officers and Ferengi weren't on good grounds."

"I understand the precautions your Captain took, not all individuals of our race are trustworthy." Quack said on a neutral tone.

"I'm glad you do. Your quarters are down the hall."


"Remind me why I agreed to meet the Ambassador." Victoria murmured as she came within 10 meters of the Ambassadorial quarters assigned to the Ferengi.

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