Preview of furture chapter

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Tara fell backwards into her conner. Blood running down her face she looked at Sinamon,her face had blood running down her face also. It was the 7th round Tara got back up,and ran towards Sinamon,Tara and Sinamon both swung a left punch at each other and none of them missed. Once again they had done the same thing but on the right side,left,right,left,right. They stood in the middle of the boxing ring fighting,and throwing punches. RINNG!!! The round was over. "Get back to your corners!" Tara and Sinamon both went back. Tara's coach came over. "You are at the 18th round, you have both gave and got bad punches to the face and body,and you have got 36 minuets,on the clock." Ring!!! The 18th round had begun. Tara and Sinamon  went to the middle and started fighting once again giving,and getting bad punches to the head and body. 20 minuets left Tara and Sinamon fell down to the floor. "Well...this happened again? Fine. 5-4-3-2-" Tara and Sinamon got back up and fought again. The 18th round had ended. "We have to continue this tomorrow" the ref said. Tara went into the room,with the silver doors. And sat down "This is getting harder..." She said then she got cleaned up and walked out of the boxing gym. She went home and got Clayton,then she took him to the store to get food. They walked out. "Why,hello Tara." Sinamon said. She walked up to Tara. "Leave us alone we can do this tomorrow!" Tara said to Sinamon. "Really? Watch me." Sinamon said the grabbed Tara's collar from her shirt. And slapped her. Tara slapped her back. "You wanna fight now? That's a bad choice because I'm not in a good mood right now." Tara said. "Oh yeah it's going down right here right now," "fine,let's fight." Tara said then dropped her bags,then tackled Sinamon. Sinamon grabbed Tara's hair then her neck and put her feet around Tara's waist line. Tara started punching Sinamon. They let go then Tara pushed Sinamon against the wall. And started slapping her. Sinamon grabbed Tara's waist and they fought on the ground. Slapping,graving each others hair and punching each other.....

Well that is the end of the preview of chapter 8!!!!! I hope you liked and it would mean a lot to me and help a lot,if u followed me,and voted on my story,also comment on how I am doing so far! Thx! |3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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