Always There

16 3 1

I never meant to hurt you, 

I wish I haven't gone away. 

You never noticed,

How much I wanted to come back. 

Please don't ever hurt yourself. 

No matter what, 

I am always there for you. 

Don't take a blade to your skin, 

You are absolutely perfect. 

Someone is always there for you, 

We all love you. 

Please don't ever hurt yourself. 

No matter what, 

I am always there for you. 

I know we didn't race into each other's open arms, 

But that doesn't mean I don't love and care for you. 

Don't ever think I left you. 

I am always here. For you. 

Please don't ever hurt yourself. 

No matter what, 

I am always there for you.

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