~You Guys Meet~

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((Okay, I know these scenarios are really sucky, but just--bare with me here!...))

     As you walked down the hall to your new school, you accidently bumped into someone. You looked up to see a boy in a brown jacket and a blue and red poof-ball hat. He held out his hand, in which you took. He pulled you up and smiled. "Sorry about that! My name's Stan. Nice to meet you!" he said. "Hi. My name's (Y/N) (L/N). I'm new here." you replied back. "Well, we should hang sometime!" he said as the bell rang, and he walked to class with another boy in a green hat.

     You and your mother were both on your way across the street to the Broflowski Home; another family of your religion. Mr. and Mrs. Broflowski were at the the porch, ready to greet you. Mrs. Broflowski opened the door for your mother and you to enter. You started to listen in on the three adults' conversation, when you felt weight suddenly pull at your leg. You looked down to see a little boy, maybe an infant, in a baby blue onesie hugging your leg. He looked up at you and gave you the most adorable smile you've ever seen. "Cookie Monster!" he exclaimed. You couldn't help but, "Aww!~" at his cuteness. You picked him up and gave him a hug. You heard a giggle from behind and turned around to see a boy in an orange jacket and green hat. "Hi, I'm Kyle! You must be (Y/N), right?" You simply nodded, flashing him a smile. He chuckled to himself before saying, "We should hang out!"

     You were on your way to an old friend's house. His name is Kenny. Kenny McCormick. You two met in pre-k, but you moved in the middle of kindergarten. Fortunately, during the 4th grade, your parents announced that you were moving back to South Park, thanks to your dad's business offer. Your mom called Kenny's mom, and have arranged for you to see him this afternoon. You finally got to his house and knocked on the door. Kenny opened it and gasped. "(Y/N)?! Is that you?!" he asked, surprise in his voice. "Hi, Kenny! It's so nice to see you again!" you replied with a big smile. He gave you a big hug and invited you into his house. You guys hung out for the rest of the day.

     You and your brother, Kyle, walked to the bus stop. You've barely moved in with your parents and brothers, the fact that you've been living with your aunt to study the animals all over the world. Kyle would've went, but he had a severe fear of ostriches at the time. (: P) And since you haven't actually had a friend, besides all the animals you've worked with of course, Kyle thought he'd let you get to know his friends first. You know, like a starting point. Although, he did say to watch out for a boy, by the name of, "Eric Cartman." As the two of you reached closer to your destination, everyone stopped talking and looked at you curiously. Kyle cleared his throat and said, "Hey, Guys! This is my sister, (Y/N). She just came back from her trip around the world!" Cartman looked at you, as if you were nothing to him. "Stupid Jew..." he muttered to you. Kyle was about to yell in protest, when all of a sudden, you spoke up. "Thank you, Eric. I value your opinion." Everyone looked at you, jaws dropped; especially Cartman. Cartman cleared his throat and grinned towards your direction. "You know what? You're pretty cool... For a Jew..."

     You sat on the bench at the basketball court, watching a group of other boys play. There was a boy in a blue and red hat, one in a green hat, one that was 'big-boned', and another with an orange parka. Suddenly, the chubby one started to yell at someone. "CRAIG! GET OVER HERE!" A boy in all blue walked up, sighing. "What?" he asked, annoyed. "Sit on the bench! This is how you play REAL basketball!" the chubby one said before going for a lay-up. The one in all blue sat at the bench, lazily watching the rest demonstrate the physics of basketball. Once he noticed someone else was there, he looked towards your direction and flipped you the bird. At first, you thought it was very offensive, so you flipped him the bird back. He smiled, which confused you a ton. He walked up to you and whispered, "Let's be friends," before walking onto the court to play with the others.

     You were at the park, doing your daily warm-ups. You didn't wanna be fat like a certain person you know... *cough* Cartman! *cough* As you were jogging, you heard some faint cries, that sounded like it belonged to a boy. As you walked closer to the noise, you peeked around a tree to see that it was a boy. He was wearing a red jacket, and he had brown-ish-kind-of-red-ish hair. He was sitting against a tree, hugging his knees, with his face buried into the sleeves of his jacket. You walked closer to him and sat down beside him. "What's the matter?" you asked in a calm, yet quiet, voice. He looked up at you with pink eyes. "Everyone's bullying me at school!" he said in a shaky voice, before sobbing once more. You laid a hand on his shoulder. "Well, I'm sure whatever they've said, it's not true." you replied. He stopped crying and looked up at you. "R-Really?" he asked, calming down a little. You nodded, giving him a soft smile. He sniffled. "You s-seem nice. C-Could we be f-friends?"

     ((I don't really know that much about Token. But, I've heard that he is really into sports, so...))
     As you ran as fast as you could, you slid yourself to the last base, winning the game for you and your team. Everyone cheered, as the rest of the team ran to either give you a hug or a high-five. This usually happens. Everyone knows you're the best at nearly every sport from basketball to volleyball--even football! That's why you hang out with guys, 'cause all the girls call you a tomboy and that you're not 'girly' enough for their clique. But you didn't care. You thought hanging with the guys was much funner than sitting around and gossiping and just spreading nasty rumors through the school. That wasn't you. As you walked to the concession stand to get a quick soda, someone tapped you on the shoulder. You looked around to see a dark-colored boy in a purple shirt. "Hello!" you said. He chuckled at your enthusiasm and said, "Hey, I'm Token. You must be (Y/N). You're pretty good at sports!" You grinned at his comment. "Thanks! I've actually heard you're awesome at sports, too!" "Ha ha, yeah...~" he blushed at your comment and smiled. "Do you maybe wanna hang out sometime? We could maybe play a little one-on-one!" "Sure, I would love to!" you said happily.

     You sat at the table of your favorite cafe, taking small sips of your coffee, for the fact that it was blazing hot. A boy your age came over and gave you the tab. "Thanks." you mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear. "Y-You're welcome. GAH!" the boy said, twitching a bit. He looked at the coffee cup, then back to you. "You l-like coff-ffee?" he asked. You nodded. He thought for a minute. Then finally said, "W-Wanna be friends? GAH! Even though, it'd be too much pressure..." All of a sudden, his twitching started to calm down and his stuttering left. You smiled. "I'd love to be friends with you. My name's (Y/N), by the way" "Cool, my name's Tweek." he replied with a smile.

~At Butter's House~
Butters was sitting on the carpet in the living room, coloring in his coloring books, when Butters' parents walked in. "Butters?" his mom asked. "Yes, Mom?" Butters said, taking his full attention towards his Mom and Dad. "We arranged a play-date for you!" his dad explained. "Oh, Boy! Who's coming over?" Butters asked excitedly. "Her name is (Y/N) (L/N). She's new in South Park, so we need you to be a good boy, alright, Sweetie?" "Of course, Mom!" Butters says, rushing to his feet to get ready.
-Time Skip-
The doorbell rang. Butters' mom went to go answer it. Butters tried to look over her to take a peek at his play-date buddy. Butter's mom got out of the way to let her in. As soon as Butters saw her, he thought, "she looks really kind!" "Butters, say hello to (Y/N)!" Butters' mom said happily. "Well, Hello!" Butters said with so much enthusiasm, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile. "Hello!" (Y/N) said with as much enthusiasm as Butters did. Butters grabbed her hand and pulled her up to his room where they colored, played board games, and spent hours of giggling and telling stories. Ever since then, they've made a pact that they would always be there for each other.

     You walked down the hall, your head hanging down. You felt terrible. Everyone at school knew. Thanks to Eric Cartman, everyone knew you were adopted and that you were abused by your previous 'parents'. As you walked down the hallway, everyone got quiet; all eyes on you. You ignored the kids as they did their usual name-calling. It was always like this. Everyday.
"Hey, Spazz!"
The same routine. You tried to hide your tears, when suddenly, you heard a voice from behind yell, "Leave her ALONE!" Everyone's eyes got wide, as they scrambled out of the halls. You slowly turned around to see a boy with long, wavy, raven-black hair and all black clothes walking towards you. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Y-Yes..." you stuttered, trying to act like nothing ever happened earlier. "Don't lie to me." he stated, seeing through your fib. You sighed. "I'm not alright..." you admited, looking down at your feet. "Do not worry. You and me, we are much alike. If we stick together, we will be safe from the others." You thought about it for a while, then nodded. He grinned. "Let our friendship commence." he said, as he took your hand and guided the way to the next class.

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