~He Asks You On A Date~

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     Lately, you and Stan have became good friends. You'd go sit at his table during lunch, due to the fact that you were 'banned' from the girls' table. You were like Stan's 2nd best friend! (Kyle's his #1 best friend : P) You were in line to get your lunch. When you finally got the front, Chef greeted you kindly and gave you your tray. "Hey, (Y/N)!" you heard someone from behind call. You turned around and saw Stan motioning you towards his table. You smiled and walked over. You plopped down across from the four boys and waved to all of them. Stan, Kyle, and Kenny waved, while Cartman just dug into his bag of cheesy poofs (I think that's what they're called...) he had brought from home. You glanced at Stan, who was blushing. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but was debating in his mind whether he should or not. Suddenly, Cartman piped up. "You gonna ask her out or what?"  Stan blushed a deep scarlet;as so did you. "FATASS!" Kyle steamed, punching his arm. Kenny just face-palmed. You and Stan looked into each others' eyes. You smiled and nodded. "Of course, Stan. I'd love to go on a date with you." He smiled, completely relieved. "Cool!"


     After your visit with Kyle (and his adorable little brother), you two started hanging out with each other more often. He introduced you to most of the kids at school. When Cartman found out you were Jewish, he didn't hesitate to make fun of you. When he would call you names, Kyle would stick up for you. You thought it was cute, but you quickly reminded yourself that he would do that for anyone else that was being bullied by Fatass. Today at school, Stan invited you, Cartman, Kyle and Kenny over to play video games. You and Kyle walked together, since both your parents have advised it. As you walked, you two just talked about random things. Then, Kyle asked if you've ever went on a date or had a boyfriend before. You shook your head 'no'. He started to blush a bit, when he asked you if you've ever wanted to go on a date. You thought a bit before replying with, "Yes, it would be nice." He stopped in his tracks and looked up at you. He took your hand and kneeled on one knee. He placed your hand to his chest and looked into your dazzling (E/C) eyes. He bit his bottom lip before saying, "(Y/N)... Will you go on a date... with me?" You smiled. "Of course." He got up and hugged you tightly before you two continued walking to Stan's house, hand-in-hand. Dude, you should've seen to the look on Cartman's face when you told him the news! (XD)


     "KEEENNNNEETTTHHHHHH!!!" Kenny heard someone yell from the distance. As he looked back, he was suddenly tackled to the ground. He looked up to see that his attacker was (Y/N). He smiled brightly at you and gently set you off of him. "(Y/N), what the heck? You could've made me die!... Again!" he teased. You giggled and nudged his arm. "Well, I'm sorry, Sir! But I've found out something BIG!" Kenny, being the pervert he is, smirked and asked, "Was it my di- OW!" you pinched his cheek before he could say it. "No! Do not say the D-Word in my prensence!" "Well, what is it?" he asked, getting serious. "I found out that I'm FINALLY aloud to date!" He blushed then smiled. "Well... Knowing that bit of information, would you do me the honors of going on a date with me?" You smiled big and gave him a hug. "Yes, Ken!" He smiled and hugged back.


     Ever since you've met Cartman, he's been really nice to you. He'd help you out with stuff, he'll sit with you when you're alone at recess, and when someone else make fun of you, he'd defend you. This surprised A LOT of people, mainly because: you were Kyle's sister, you were Jewish, you were a ginger, and you weren't racist. When lunch came, you and Kyle made your way to the usual table. "Hey, (Y/N), sit right here!" Cartman said, patting the empty spot right next to him. You smiled and did as he said. "(Y/N), I've got to ask you something..." he trailed off and looked at the other three. They got the hint, and left. Kyle gave him a quick death glare before leaving. "What did you want to ask me, Eric?" you asked, biting into your sandwich. He looked at you with a blush filling his cheeks. "Well... for the past few weeks I've known you, I realized something... I-- I got a crush on you, a-and... I was... w-wondering if you would go on a d-date with me?" You looked at him; a blush on both of your faces. You gave him a soft smile, then a hug. You whispered into his ear, "I would love to go on a date with you." He blushed even more and hugged you back immediately. When you two pulled away, you smirked and said, "You know what? You look very adorable when you blush!" He blushed darker and covered his cheeks.

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