~New Guys' Update; He Asks You Out~

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        Ever since then, you've sworn to be by Pip's side, no matter what the problem. You guys were best friends. Which by doing so, you lost your popularity pretty quickly. But you didn't care. To you, having Pip as a friend was way better than having any of those rude, selfish or back-stabbing girls in your class as a so-called friend. Pip was more polite. Which is why you came to like him. One day, as you two were sitting by the tree at recess, Pip glanced at you and asked, "(Y/N), a question, if I may?" You gazed back. "Sure, Phillip, what's the question?" He took a deep breath before saying, "We have been best friends for a long time, and I have grown quite fond of you." He blushed and started to twiddle his fingers. "Would you care to go on a date with me?" This time, you blushed. Grasping for his hand, you looked him in the eyes and answered, "I would love to."

Pete ~Red Goth~

        You and Pete were pretty close afterwards. He said you were 'good acquaintances', since being 'best friends' was too conformist. You guys pretty much did everything together. Read poems, drank coffee, listened to gothic bands, flipped off Nazi cheerleaders; it was great! One day, when you were at the cafe getting coffee, he confessed something pretty shocking. Pete cleared his throat, grabbing your attention. "Look, (Y/N). We've been good acquanitaces, and I'm sick of it." Hearing this broke your heart. "I want us to be something more." he finished, now having you confused. "Friends?" "No." "Best friends?" "No!" Now you were getting a little frustrated. "Then what?" Pete gave a glance before quickly taking his attention to his coffee. "I've been having some conformist feelings..." he explained with a slight blush. "What kind of conformist feelings?" you asked softly, tilting your head cutely to the side. "Love..." he said, his blush growing a little darker. "(Y/N)... You're giving me this feelings..." Now it was your time to blush. "Go out with me." he mumbled, not really asking, but telling. "Yes." Pete looked up shocked. "W-what?" "Yes, I would like to go on a date with you." He smiled before getting out of his seat and pulling you into a hug.

Micheal ~Curly Goth~

        Ever since then, you've ditched your sister, and hung out in the back with your new friends. You were good friends with everybody, but Micheal was your best friend. You two just seemed to have more in common. One day, it was only you two. Henrietta was at some camp, Firkle was home sick, and Pete was just out getting coffee. For some reason, everytime you were with Micheal, you'd feel weird flutters in your stomach. Unfortunately, Micheal has, too. "(Y/N)..." You turned around to look at Micheal. "Yes?"  "I like you." he blurted out. You blushed and sat up a little. "W-what?" "I like you. I know it's a conformist feeling, but I can't stop myself from having it." He closed his eyes and waited for you to laugh at him. But it never happened. Instead, he was met with two arms wrapped around him tightly. He hugged back and whispered in your ear, "Go out with me?" "Definately."

Mike ~Vampire Leader~

        You and Mike became friends shortly after. You don't know why, but you've came to like Mike. There was just something about him that made you get flutters everytime he smiled. One night, you two were sitting on your living room couch watching a movie. You guys were watching the new Twilight movie. Well, he was watching it; you were playing with his hair. You twiddled the green strands, smoothly gliding them through your finger tips. All of a sudden, Mike pulled you on top of him to where your legs were on either side of him. Being in this position made you blush a bright pink. "(Y/N), we're friends, right?" You nodded. "I want us to be more." he claimed, blushing a light pink. "Will you go on a date with me?" You gasped before bringing him into a hug. "Of course."

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