Chapter 2 - Drake

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I was fighting with Cato when she walked in. I didn't turn to look at her, but I noticed her right away. A lot of girls liked to watch us practice, probably because a lot of us chose to go shirtless. But this girl was different, somehow.

I couldn't see much of her face, because it was covered by a dark grey hood. Unlike most girls these days, she wasn't wearing a top that was see through or tiny, so it barely covered her breasts. No, she wore a dark hoodie and dark skinny jeans, and kept her head down. She had a vibe that would make a lot of people think twice about talking to her, or even staring her way.

I wanted to finish this fight quickly. I wanted to meet this girl. I gave Cato a sharp punch to his jawline, right by his chin, and his head snapped back. I then kicked him lightly to the ground, just so I'd win the fight quickly. Usually, Cato was a pretty good match for me, because while I had more technique, he was a couple inches taller, and was stronger than I was.

I turned to the girl and said, "Like what you see?" I added an arrogant smirk for effect. Yeah, I knew I was hot. A lot of girls flocked around me, and I'd fooled around with a couple. Nothing too serious, but I didn't think I was that much of a player.

This was a test for her. I wanted to see if she was like other girls, even though I could tell she wasn't. If she was, her clothes would be different, as would her vibe in general. If she replied with a seductive smile, and maybe walked over and felt up my chest, she'd be like most girls. When she pulled off her hood to reveal her too-perfect, almost ethereal face, and showed me her defiant expression, I knew this wouldn't be any regular girl. And I wanted to get to know her.

She was gorgeous, golden hair tied into a messy braid, swirling purple eyes framed with thick, dark lashes. Plump, soft lips curled into a slight frown. "You wish. I was checking out your fighting technique, which really could use some work."

Hey, that wasn't very nice. She might be beautiful and mysterious, but she didn't look like a fighter either. She was barely five feet tall. "Yeah? You think you're better, little girl?" I said. Honestly, I was just wondering if she was better, and how could she be? No, it was best to not fight her. I could never mess up her pretty face.

She smirked. "I know I am." I was very interested, but I had to shut her down. I couldn't fight her. Luckily, I only had to keep up my big talk a little longer, then I could head to the showers and get away from her. And her scent. I could already tell she smelled amazing, I just had to get closer. Could I discreetly smell her hair? Is that possible?

I walked up to her, and tried to pretend it was an intimidation method, instead of me just trying to get a closer look at her adorable nose that was crinkled with annoyance.

When I reached her, I made sure to get in real close. Yup, just as I suspected. She smelled amazing, like flowers in the sun. Somehow she smelled like the sun. How was that even possible?

Also, I didn't fail to notice our height difference. She was tiny, and came up slightly past my shoulders. God, I just wanted to duck down and kiss her. She'd lift her head up to me, and then.... and then I noticed she was glaring at me. Right. Yes. We were having a conversation, not kissing. I'd need to remember that.

"You're a foot shorter, princess. Besides. I don't fight girls." Which was actually true. I'd fought two girls before, one of them being my sister.

When I was six and she was nine, she insisted we wrestle each other. I told her it wasn't fair 'cause she was three years older. When I won, she said it wasn't fair 'cause I was a boy. She cried and told our mom I'd just hit her in the face for no reason.

Then two years ago, when I was a freshman, Molly Alder said she wanted to fight. She was the best fist fighter on the girls wrestling  team, and she wanted to prove that she was the best all around. In short, she wasn't. I beat her in less than five minutes, and unfortunately for me, her dad was the current principal. I got suspended for that one.

"What, are you afraid you'd lose to a girl a foot shorter?" Ha. That wasn't the issue. But I settled for telling her why I didn't fight girls, hoping she'd understand and leave me alone.

"Maybe you'll be surprised." Jeez, did this girl ever let up? What was her fixation on fighting anyways? Maybe she was one of those adrenaline junkies or something. Why didn't she just go skydiving? I almost asked her, but decided against it. The next class started soon, anyways.

"I don't fight girls. That's my rule." Ok, so maybe I was a jerk to her. But it's not like she had the sunniest personality either. Even if she did smell like the sun...

No. I walked away from her towards the men's locker rooms. Cato followed behind me. Even though each step brought me farther away from her, I couldn't stop thinking about her. The way she looked, the way she smelled. What she may or may not taste like. How the sun was now my favorite smell.

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