Chapter 5 - Nyx

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Nyx sat through English class, but barely listened to anything the teacher said. She was so excited for the fight. It had been a long time since she'd had a good and proper fight. Plus, she needed to show Drake that girls could fight, too.

When the bell rang, her teacher told them "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" She was forced to stay behind five minutes while the teacher finished up her lecture. But finally, the teacher allowed them to leave.

Nyx almost ran to the gym, and found the girls locker room quickly. Before school, Nyx had shoved some sports clothes in her bag, in case she had PE or something today. Her uniform hadn't come yet, and Nyx didn't live in a regular house anyways, so it couldn't be delivered there.

Nyx actually lived in a tiny shack in the woods. It was abandoned and overgrown, and there was no working electricity. The roof had holes in it, and rain was always pouring in. Winters could get pretty cold, so Nyx had bought a fluffy blanket along with a mattress, a bed frame, and a pillow with some money she'd earned over her five hundred years. Nyx had never worked at a real job, but five hundred years is a long time, and she'd accumulated enough money over the years.

She hurriedly pulled on yoga pants and a tight workout tank top, eager to start the fight. She didn't bother with shoes, knowing they'd not be needed in a fight. She raced out the door, and consciously slowed her pace down, not wanting to seem too excited.

She spotted Drake by the mats, talking to a young woman. She seemed to be Nyx's age, maybe a little older. She was super pretty, too. Blue eyes and straight dark hair. Thin, tall, supermodel body. Girlfriend, maybe?

Nyx didn't care. She didn't. So what if Drake had a beautiful girlfriend? So what if his gaze on her was filled with the gentle kind of love? Didn't matter. At all.

Or that's what Nyx told herself.

Nyx ran at the mat, and did a roundoff, followed immediately by a back handspring and a layout. Might as well show off, if Drake was going to have a girlfriend. Wait, that didn't make sense...

Drake looked up and saw her. He finished his conversation with Little Miss Perfect, then headed over to Nyx.

"Ok, so before we fight I thought-"

"Who was that?" Nyx demanded. Oops, she'd meant to sound way less jealous.

"Is someone jealous?" Drake's face lit up with a slow smile.

"Of course not. I was just wondering. It doesn't matter though. Let's get on with our fight."

"Oh. Well, that was just my older sister." Drake replied.

Thank God. No, wait. Nyx remembered that she didn't care. She just nodded and got into a fighting stance.

"Wow, you're pretty eager. But I was hoping we could just warm up a bit first?" Drake asked.

"Oh. Sure, then. What do you usually do for warm up?" Nyx asked.

"Just some stretches and stuff."

"Ok." Nyx stood by awkwardly as Drake did some regular stretches, like toe touches and lunges.

Drake laughed self-consciously. "It's kinda hard to warm up with you just staring at me like that."

Nyx raised an eyebrow. "You don't strike me as a guy to be fazed by little things like that. I thought you liked the spotlight?"

"Sure, sometimes. Anyways, I'm ready to fight now. I'll try to go easy on you." Drake said arrogantly.

Nyx roundhouse kicked him, right in the jaw. "I assure you, there's no need for that."

Drake gaped at her a second, before going into action. He tried to sweep her off her feet, but she jumped. She punched him in the stomach, then pulled away into a fighting stance, but didn't go in for any more hits.

"So are you going to fight, or what?" Nyx taunted. Drake recovered nicely, and tried to punch her. But Nyx had supernatural agility and speed on her side, and she dodged the punch easily. She finally knocked him down with a kick, and his back hit the mat with a slap.

Drake stared up at Nyx in awe. "W.. where did you learn how to fight?"

"Just here and there," Nyx stuck out a hand to help him up.

"Do you want to get dinner with me?" Drake asked boldly.

"Like... a date?" Nyx had been asked on dates thousands of times. Hell, she'd gotten hundreds of marriage offers. But somehow, this thing with Drake seemed much more weighty.

"Yeah, like a date. I know this great steakhouse..." Drake trailed off.

Nyx beamed. "A date sounds good. Let's go."
Hello lovelies! Sorry this chapter was shorter than usual. I hoped you still liked it though. Don't forget to vote and comment! I am always open and welcoming to feedback, whatever it may be. I love you all very much!! 🌹

-Rose (Roses__Thorns) 🥀

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