Chapter 8: Paranoid Aethers

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'Lillie?' I called, knocking on my friend's bedroom door. Gladion was next to me, arms crossed and muttering things that weren't audible for my ears. My guess; he was still sulking from when I told him off. To be honest I surprised even myself from that. Anyway, the door suddenly swung open and two hands dragged my boyfriend and I inside before it slammed shut. I quickly turned around, only to see Lillie with her back pressed against the door. 'Lillie?'

'Oh thank Arceus you're here!' Lillie breathed, before glancing at Gladion. 'How did you manage to drag my brother into this? I thought he'd be resistant to help.'

'He was.' I rolled my eyes, before sitting on her bed. 'I had to activate Big Mama mode...'


'Speaking of which,' I started, patting the spot next to me to tell her to sit. 'Come, tell Megan what's wrong.'

Gladion snorted slightly at this, making me glare at him. Lillie sighed as she sat down next to me 'Well...'


'What I'm trying to say is; I'm so not ready for this!' Lillie finished. She was now pacing back and forth around the room.

'It's really not a big deal, hun.' I sighed, laying on my back on Lillie's bed and staring up at the ceiling. Gladion sat on the floor next to the bed, unamused. 'I mean he's only asked you out for malasadas.'

'Easy for you to say...' Lillie pouted.

'Look on the bright side!' I stated, throwing my hands up. 'Hau's been in love with you for, let's see, 2.. 3.. 4 years! There is literally nothing you can do to screw this up.'

It was true. Hau had liked her for a pretty long time, and Lillie knew it, She even developed feelings for him too. This, however, didn't stop her panicking. Sigh...

'Are you sure? I mean what if I trip and fall into some mud or something? What if he sees and is like 'Wow Lillie, you're so uncool and clumsy. I don't think I like you anymore.' and then-' She panicked, waving her hands around.

'Lillie, sweety, you're thinking way too much into this.' I cut her off. 'This is Hau we're talking about here! I don't think he'll mind. Heck, I think he'll even like you more if you do that!'

'He is weird like that.' Gladion chimed in, resting his chin on his palm.

'What we're saying is it's not that hard. You just gotta be yourself and Hau will like you. It's worked so far.' I assured as I sat up.

'Not that hard' Lillie mocked. 'It took you two and a half years to make a move on my brother.' This made me scoff.

'Okay one, I was a Pokemon for the majority of that time. And two, this isn't about me!' I defended, crossing my arms.

'Lillie, word of advice.' Gladion began.

Lillie turned to her brother, brow raised, ready to listen to whatever *Cough* advice he was about to give.

'If Hau steps out of line, I'll snap him in half and throw him into the ocean for the Sharpedo.' he finished.

'How the hell is that advice?' I asked, pulling a weird face.

Gladion shrugged. 'Men are Pignites.'

'Oh, does that mean I should break up with you then?' I teased.

'I didn't say that!'

'Guys. You aren't helping.' Lillie sighed.

My boyfriend and I gave a brief 'sorry', before going silent. Lillie's eyes then drifted to the doorknob, and she sighed. 'I can do this.' She told herself, before opening the door and looking to us to tell us to get out of her room. She exited, Gladion and I by her heels, ready to start this dat- I mean day with Hau.

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