After Story: Corrupted pt. 2

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(3rd POV)

Gladion dodged as Nihilego grabbed at him, his limbs starting to hurt from scraping them against the floor and fast movements. His breath was ragged, though that was to be expected.

"Why do you run?"

Gladion paused, eyebrows furrowing as his eyes flickered around the cave "Who said that?"

"Why do you run?" The voice repeated. It was a soft feminine voice "Whether you fight or not, the results will come out the same. So why? Why fight it?"

The boy gasped, head snapping towards Nihilego. It had stopped moving around, and seemed to be staring directly him. It couldn't be...

"Let me catch you, and your suffering will end." The voice spoke again, and Nihilego held out a tentacle "You belong here."

Okay that was totally it speaking!

Gladion took a step back, shaking his head with a scowl "No way in hell do I belong here! I belong on earth, with my friends and family! That's why I'm fighting!"

"Forget them." Nihilego inched closer "This is your destiny. You will rule. Doesn't that sound better than your life now?"

'Ye- no! It doesn't. It's just trying to manipulate you like with your mother. Don't listen to it!' Gladion screamed to himself in his head.

... Why was he moving closer to the beast?

Putting one foot in front of the other, he began walking closer to Nihilego in some sort of daze. He tried recoiling, but he seemed to have lost all control he had over his body. His hand reached out towards the beast to meet with its outstretched tentacle.

"Join me... Join us... In our perfect world..." Nihilego chanted, its tentacle coiling around his wrist.

'No no NO!' Gladion screamed in his head 'Don't let it take you!'

Another tentacle took hold of him. And another. And another. Until all four of his limbs and his waist were in Nihilego's coils. He tried to stop it- he tried to fight it, but just like before his body just let it lift him off the ground and towards its head.

"Stay with us..." Nihilego forced him into its see-through head, and he slowly began to black out.


Gladion woke up from the nightmare, just like he had done all the nights before. Only this time he didn't gasp, or look around, or seek comfort from his girlfriend. All he did was sit up slowly, pull the covers off himself, and climbed out of bed. He reached for his hoodie and slipped it on, followed by his shoes, before walking over to stand by Megan's side of the bed. He stared down at her sleeping form, emotionless.

"Nihilego's waiting for me..." He whispered, almost robotically as he turned away from her without another glance.

"Therefore... This is goodbye..."


"What do you mean he's not there?!" Megan yelled down the phone. Her knee was bouncing up and down at rapid speed, as her anxiety was starting to really kick in.

"What do you need a freaking dictionary or something?" Rose spoke on the other line, clearly panicked too "He's not here. He's edgy ass is nowhere in Po Town."

Megan made an angry noise, and her fist smashed down onto the mattress "So what, he just disappeared into thin air?!"

"It's too early to assume that, Meg," The brunette stated, trying to keep both the vice-president and herself calm in this situation "For all we know he may just be taking a stroll--"

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