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Lauren started to be cheery after she got her skin modified.

She's at Camila's house and she has befriended Sofi. They went along great. Something about their interaction made Camila smile.

Camila is still curious about the vampire. There are still many things she didn't know about her.

But no one has braved to ask Lauren personal questions ever since Dinah tried to. Apparently, Lauren is super sensitive about it and she is really scary when she's pissed. Dark energy exuded in her when she gets mad.

This day only Camila was attending to Lauren. Normani is still trying to analysing the Vampire brain, Dinah has to visit her sick brother and Ally is in church, probably praying to God to guide Lauren's journey into becoming a human

There's nothing much to do with Lauren. She's just playing with Sofi outside their house.

Camila feels slightly jealous of them for some reasons.

She shook that feeling off and called them both.

"Sofi.. I just need to talk to Lauren. You can go play outside"  Camila told her sister

"Okay.. Bye Lamp!" Sofi said

"Lamp?" Camila asked Lauren once Sofi is out of earshot

"I don't know she insisted on calling me that" Lauren answered

Camila let out a small laugh "Typical Sofi"

"Your sister is lovely." Lauren complimented

"Yes. She's precious" Camila said.

"You know.. When I saw you two playing at the park.. I thought she was your daughter" Lauren said

Aha! So that's why Camila thought she felt like being watched.

"I get that a lot. I'm old enough look like her mother. Our mother married early and had children early too, which was Alexander and I. 20 years later, Sofi came and she died giving birth to to her. Her pregnancy was risky since she was quite too old to be pregnant" Camila explained

"I see.. I had younger siblings too.. but they were gone." Lauren shared

"You must miss them" Camila said

"I do. They were gone decades ago"

It sounds surreal talking to a person who lived a hundred years.

"If you don't mind me asking... how old are you?"

"I'm 327 years old" Lauren answered

"Wow... how did you live that life?"

"I lived half of my life being a vampire and the next half of it blending with the humans."

"Wow... What do you remember.."

"Not much... my memory is compromised. I can tell you in detail about my last 50 years but the rest is a blur. All I know is that it's full of regrets."

"What did you do then.." Camila asked

"I was always in school. I loved learning. I gratuated about 15 times with different degrees in different countries"

And Camila thought she's well-accomplished "That's amazing"

"Thank you." Lauren said

"Do you have any human friends.. who knows about you?"

That's when Lauren started to feel uncomfortable. "A fair few.. They're gone now."

"Any.. past relationships?" Camila braced herself for a terrible backlash

The Vampire and The Scientist (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now