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Camila was in the lab with Lauren. She was looking at her eyes through the retinoscope. Something she barely used. She never thought it will come handy until now.

"Your eyes are more complex than I thought" Camila said zooming in her eyes.

"Everything about me is complex, I'm a vampire"

"True." Camila agreed. She told Lauren to get off. The two of them are now face to face with each other. She gazed into Lauren's eyes some more. They were beautiful. It seem to have the ability to pull you in..

Actually they do.

"Your eyes are amazing" Camila blurted out.

Lauren was shocked with the compliment. "Thank you"

Camila tends to blurt weird things around Lauren like it's a vampire effect or something.

"Once, you're human, you'll be terribly disoriented with your sight. " Camila digressed

"I know.."

Camila didn't know why she said that. It was terribly obvious.

"I'm not a qualified ophthalmologist. But I will do my best to work on you eyes" Camila promised

"Please don't make me go blind" Lauren joked

"That's a different story"


"Never mind" Camila said.

Lauren chuckled "You say the weirdest things, Doctor "

"I'm a scientist. I'm supposed to be weird"

"Is that so? "


It got awkwardly silent in the lab for awhile. Camila was looking at the photographs she took of Lauren's eye.

"So.. How's everything going" Lauren attempted to have a small talk

"So far, we're doing great. Your body is reacting to the meds well"

Lauren looked down. Actually the past following days, her mind has been being tormented by the demons in her head.

"What's wrong Lauren?" Camila asked, sensing the vampire's discomfort.

"I've... My mind is not in the best state.. My demons.. They're starting to react to the change" Lauren said

"You need to talk to Normani about this"

Lauren shook her head.. "This isn't something she can help with. It's a literal demon"

"Then you should go to Ally then"

Lauren laughed.

"I'm not kidding." Camila said. "Ally is the most spiritual person I ever met. And even in a non religious way, she is. "


"We're almost there Lauren. You can do it"


"Here you go, I made y'all my special French toast" Dinah set a plate of French toast at the table

Camila tried some. It tasted nice, but nothing out of ordinary. "um.. There's nothing special about this"

"It's special because I'm the one who made it. Now shut up and eat my damn french toast"

"Pfft..Ally probably did most of the job" Normani muttered

Dinah looked offensed "Bitch I know how to cook"

"Lauren probably cooks better than you. And she doesn't eat human food" Normani retorted

The Vampire and The Scientist (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now