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"She's awake!" Ally exclaimed. "Camila!!"

"What!" Camila, who was examining vitals stats, ran to Lauren.

"Lauren..." Camila smiled at the now awake and humanified vampire. Hopefully the operation they did worked on her. 

"Ally, please call Dinah and Mani." Camila asked Ally, who was already on it 

"Hey" Lauren greeted weakly

"Lauren.. I'm so glad you're awake. I was so worried" 

"Did something happen to me.. while I was unconscious?" Lauren asked

Camila held her hand comfortingly "You're heart rate suddenly spiked up. "

Lauren remembered the vision she saw. Halcyia and.. Lucy

She was so happy to hear Lucy's voice. That means she's closer.. 

"Lauren are you okay.. How are you feeling?" Camila inquired

"More humany.. if that's a word, My head hurts" Lauren replied

Camila smiled "I'm glad to hear that... the more humany part, not the headache.. I can't wait to see the results of the operation"

"Me too.. I think I feel different"

"Different good or different bad?"

"A mix of both" Lauren decided

"DInah's going to arrive in 20 minutes. Normani is going to catch up on us later. She's caught in some business in the hospital" Ally announced

"Perfect" Camila stood up "I'm going to prepare the equipment. Ally please watch over Lauren"

"Alright" Ally went over to Lauren "Hey Lauren. I'm glad you're awake"

"Okay.. Ally give me a shout if something happens."

"Like what? My head suddenly exploding?" Lauren sassed

"Yes.. Just.. You know what I mean!" 

Ally and Lauren laughed as Camila walked away

"She's so caring about you" Ally pointed out

"Yeah.. She's been a really great doctor. I really can't thank her enough" Lauren said

Ally was looking at Lauren in a strange way. This made Lauren rather uneasy. What's up with Ally?

"Lauren.. I have a question"

"Ask away"

"What are you going to do when all of these are complete? When you become fully human?" Ally inquired

"Live life.. Do things that I am not able to do as a vampire" Lauren answered 

"I mean.. do you have a plan? Like are you going to be a regular human? Get a job? "

"I already have a job. I am actually a ghost writer in various publications. It's not very good money but..  I have enough fortune from my previous lives. I have been blending in with humans.. I don't think it will be any difference in what I am doing now, except.. I'll be human. I'll just continue to live as I was."

"I don't believe you" Ally snapped

"Excuse me?"

"I think your reason for humanification is more than that. Surely, you didn't go through all that painful process just to.... " Ally made air quote gestures.. "Live life and do things you are not able to do as a vampire"

Lauren gritted her teeth. Ally was more perspective than what she thought. She'd expect this kind of behaviour from Normani or Dinah.

"Lauren.. Camila has feelings for you" Ally suddenly informed"

Lauren didn't look as surprised as Ally anticipated. Perhaps she wasn't oblivious as she expected her to.

"I- I knew she had a strange fascination with me... but I never thought she would feel that way" Lauren said

"I am not in the place to tell you about this. But I feel like this was necessary I have been analysing you this whole time. You may fool Camila and the others, but I can tell you are doing this for someone.. someone who is dear to your heart, even as a vampire. Only love can make you go through such thing."

Lauren has no words. Ally's analyzation was spot-on.

"I think you need to be honest with Camila about this. She might have told me that she has no intentions of trying things..but I feel that a part of her is hoping for something with you, when you turn human. So, whatever your real intentions are, you better tell her before her feelings overwhelm her" Ally said

"But what if.." Lauren trailed off

"What if what, Lauren?" Ally asked

"What if I have feelings for her too?"


Yo waddup, It's been awhile 

I did a lot of rereading because I dead ass forgot what I wrote I even forgot what kind of doctor Normani was lmao. 

 Tbfh I considered of discontinuing this story because nowadays, I feel so uninspired and since this only has like.. 2k reads, I'm pretty sure no one is going to show up in my porch with a knife demanding for an update (we don't even have a porch) But this is the first fic that I ever published and I'm so done with me not finishing shit that I write.

Give me some motivation please. Comment, vote and smash that follow button lmao I sound like a desperate youtuber.

Also, I want to hear some theories about Lauren about the real reason she wants to be a human.The  person who gets it right will.. idk I don't have a prize man, maybe a shoutout?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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