A Teacher's Love (Keith x Lance)

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Requested by: ScarletUchia
Started writing: 25-09-2017  20:27
Finished writing: 25-09-2017 22:04

Sometimes the memories of your past is the only thing that keeps you alive and to fight through the hard times.

~august 6th of 2002~

There is this boy i met in the playground. He seems really nice, he has this chocolate brown hair and shiny bright eyes. With anything we do, he always asks me to join, like he is afraid that i'll feel alone of i dont play with the other kids. His name is Lance .. Lance McClain. The brightest kid in the neighborhood. I found out he is 11 years old, 4 years older than me. He really is kinda cute, but he is way smarter with handle things.

We sat on top of his 'beauty castle', we were the only ones here. We were a bit talking about what we would like to be when we grow old. I havent really thought about it, but i was thinking about doing motor races. But of course that wouldnt be a dream come true. He smiled and looked up at the sky. "I really want to be a teacher, to let the pupils know what everyone can be in the future. Pupils just like you, who dont know what they want to be." And then he held a firm grip on my arm, which made me look with my sparkly eyes into his eyes. "Maybe someday, i'll be your teacher!" I chuckled softly. How can someone that dense be my teacher?

~may 7th of 2008~

I couldnt believe this day had to come. Why did this freaking day had to come!? Lance broke our primise! I ran as fast as i could to our secret hideout, which is under a bridge and it isnt really a secret but anyways. My lungs are burning, my heart is beating to fast that my body can't handle this. I saw him there, waiting. I let some tears fall down my cheek as i ran to him. I crushed him in a tight hug and cried on his shoulder. I felt he hugged me back as tight as possible. "Am sorry keith, my parents found a better school, a better place for me to call home. But i promise you, i'll find you. I promise."

I shook my head a bit. "I dont want you to go, lance, you are my only best friend. I'll have no one else when you leave." I felt his hand on my head. "You'll survive keith, i have faith in you." He smiled softly. Unfortunately all good moments have to come to an end, we both heard a car honk and found out that it was lance's parents. I looked back at him with more tears in my eyes. "I look forward to the day we meet again. Thank you, keith, for the amazing years of friendship." He hugged me again and ran as fast as he could to the car. He opened the car door but hesitated before getting in. He rolled down the wondow and reaches his arm to me, waving. I waved back, as big as i could, with tears in my eyes. Little did we both know this wasnt the last time we would see eachother.

~october 26th of 2016~

I sat in the back of the class, waiting for our History teacher, who is actually surprisingly late. I tapped with my pen on my desk while looking outside, thinking about my life before i became lonely. Both my parents .. my brother Shiro ... lance ... i sighed a bit and heard our door open. I look up to meet with the headmaster. We freakingly are allowed to go home!? He asked the attention of the whole class and cleared his throath. "As you all have noticed, Mrs. Abrone hasn't come cause she got a bad stomach flu. We don't know how long it will last, so we took care of a substitute. He'll be here in a few minutes. And please ... let him live throughout the time he'll stay here." He says as he leaves the room. I sighed a bit. Not heading home yet, huh? I looked out the window again to get back lost in my mind. I heard the door slide open again. I didnt really paid much attention to this freaking substitute, but i heard a few gasps and some 'oh my gosh'es. I look to the blackboard to meet the teacher and .... LANCE! I sit slowly back up as he introduced himself.

He grew way to quick as an adult the last 8 years. Wait .. that actually makes sense. But, how did he became so hot!? I realized what i thought and hid my blushing madly face behind a book. I havent been paying alot of attention to the class but more to him. He gave me a few glances once in a while. It became more embarrassing when i had to answer one of his questions. "Keith, what is the American Declaration of Independence signed?" I became a blushing mess and i stopped thinking. "A-at the bottom of the paper, s-sir" i sunk deeper in my chair as the whole class started to laugh, INCLUDING LANCE!

The bell rang and we all packed our stuff to head home, until i heard my name. I turned around and met my eyes with lance's. I blushed slightly. The last student closed the door, i placed my bag back on my chair and leaned against my deck. I noticed Lance coming closer to me. "Long time no see, Keith." He smiles softly. I couldn't help but to smile back. Oh how i missed his smile to see. I took a deep sigh. "Live has been rough for ne ever since you left. You really were someone who lifted the weight of my shoulders. How come you suddenly came back here? After like .. 8 years?" He smiled softly and looked outside. "Remember our promise? I said i would come back, to make your life easier again. And .. i told you i would be your teacher~" i blushed a bit at the tease of his tone. I crossed my arms infront of my chest and looked at the ground infront of my eyes. There suddenly was a shadow over me and i look up to meet with his face .. closer than i expected. I gasped a bit and leaned a bit back. He putted both his hands beside my hips .. on my desk. "I promised myself .. that i would never hurt you again. The moment we waved at eachother goodbye .. was the moment where i found it out." I got confused. Found out what.

Before i knew it, he closed the space between our lips. He kissed me softly and he held me like i was glass. I gripped tightly on his jacket, i was to afraid to let him go. I kissed softly back while some tears rolled down my cheek. We kissed more for like a good few minutes until he slowly leaned back to catch some breath. I looked surprised at him and squeezed his jacket tighter. "That moment .. was whe i found out i fell in love with you. And i still do. I havent forgotten about you, every single day the last 8 years. I promised my mother, my father, even god .. that i will always protect you .. and love you." His words touched my heart and i hid my face in his chest. I hugged his waist and cried softly, he held me softly and rubbed my back to comfort me. He held my chin and pulled me up slowly to stare deep into my eyes. " i love you, keith. Always had, always have and always will." He smiled softly. I looked back down again and imediately back up. "I love you too, lance." He smiled the purest smile i have ever seen and shared another perfect kiss moment in the middle of the classroom.

"You do know that some girls are going all jelous over you cause we have a relationship"  "shut up lance .. and just kiss me."


Thank you ScarletUchia for your request, i had so much fun.

And this fanfic isnt only written by me .. but also with the help of some amazing friend that i met on discord and snapchat. So this fic is also dedicated to them. But most importantly, i would like to thank these special friends the most on discord:

- Socksnanimation
- Megpie
- Toa-tiene
- Pantherlilymd
- Best_bi
- Calcifire
- Daddi with a lot of i's (i dint know what he was thinking when he putted this as his account name)
- and of course the rest of the Voltron groupchat!!

And let's not forget the CUTIE SQUAD ON SNAPCHAT:

- Ace
- Danialle
- Brownie
And all the other fantastic, lovely, cute girls out there

I love you<3

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