Chapter Sixteen: Set Drama

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Mackenzie's hectic life started over again the minute Riley left, literally.

Dylan's phone vibrated in his back pocket while his arms were still around Makie, the moment ruined as he declared that the crew wanted them back on set to continue filming as soon as possible.

The drill began as it did every morning when they parked thirty minutes later. Mackenzie's designer and two makeup artists, Kim and Olivia, practically dragged her by her hair to her trailer once she arrived.

"Did you use your oils and lotions?" Kim asked, seating her down on the high red salon chair in front of her massive spotless mirror.

Noah leaned back against the wall behind, watching the scene with his arms crossed. He often came around a few times during the week to either talk business or observe how she was adjusting. That was his excuse to catch up with his favorite client. It had been months and Mackenzie considered herself fully adjusted.

It was always nice to see a familiar face though.

"Yes. I'm very much moisturized." Mackenzie said as Olivia quickly and painfully ran a brush through her hair.

"I knew the ocean water would ruin your hair. Do you know how much time and product it took to get it that smooth and silky?" Olivia ranted.

"Yes, I was there."

Sounds were herd in the background as Simon opened the back door and entered with fabrics and shoes and such piled in his arms. He was normally quite organized and a perfectionist.

"It's going in a ponytail." Olivia said. It was quick and only slightly painful and was done while Kim smacked on Claire's signature eye liner and bright lip shade.

They were starting a new episode today which meant Kim, Olivia and Simon didn't need to take an hour or longer trying to perfectly copy the look from the day before. It was a long and tiring process usually done very early in the morning, but was done in half the time than usual that day.

Her ten hour shoot began like any other day, slow and strict. The directors and most of the crew were not as smiley and peppy as you would expect Disney employees to be, but you could always get a good laugh out of the cast.

Today however everyone seemed to be in a pretty crabby mood, probably from little sleep.

Even Debby was tipping in her heals every few seconds.

"Is it just me or is today going to go by very slowly." Cole whispered in my ear as we got ready to film scene three of episode twenty.

He was wearing a blue and white checkered nerdy shirt and kakis. It wasn't something I could see him wearing in real life but it fit Cody well.

"Everyone has a stick up their ass today." She whispered back.

Meanwhile Dylan yawned in a bored manner a few feet away as the director emphasized what he expected of the scene. It was pretty much just another Zack and Claire scene.

Cole and I couldn't hear what he was saying but we watched in boredom as Dylan nodded his shaggy blond head then came to join us in our dark lonely corner.

"He pretty much wants us to look as lovey dovey as we can. Slap your cheeks pink to make them red? I don't know. It's gonna be a long day." Dylan muttered, Cole snorting at the lovey dovey comment.

Mackenzie sighed dramatically as the director called up the actors to the green screens.

Just as Mackenzie was beginning to walk off she felt a large hand grab on to her wrist.

The Suite Life on Set ~Cole Sprouse Book One~Where stories live. Discover now