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"Oh boy. That plan could work, but then again what choice do I have?" I said

"OK prince Charm-ings time for bed." Dad said

"Omg dad! We're eighteen! It is bad enough you won't stop calling us that but please for Christ sake don't tell us when it's bed time!" Trevon whined and Joseph headed up the stairs with Stemar trailing

"Up the stairs you go, now" dad demanded
He's a bit grumpy tonight like all the other nights

*next day*


So early. Too early to be up. I really hate Wednesdays, they indicate the middle of the week and too much to do.
I walk into the bathroom slightly stumbling over drowsiness.

Where is that toothbrush?

I thought to myself

No, like seriously I can find my toothbrush?

"Trevon!" I shouted

"WHAATT" he shouted back

"have you seen my too-" oh there it is "never mind, I found it." I shouted

Can you believe that my toothbrush was in the case on the top of the sink? This is not my day


"WHAT'S FOR BREAKFAST?!"dad shouted

"left over's and why are you shouting?" Joseph answered

"I thought it was shouting day because I was waken by shouting from one side of the house to the other, and it's my day off. What you mean leftovers?" dad said

"spaghetti meatball. Heat it up on the stove and serve it" Joseph stated

"I thought it was food poisoning?" I said as I entered the kitchen and sat across from dad on the island

"I never said that." Joseph stated

"whatever, dad remember to call me" I told dad as I walk towards the door

"yup, I will remember" dad said

"Richardo, you're not staying for breakfast?" Joseph asked

"nope, it's part of the plan" I said opening the door

I actually wanted to eat something, after all-I was the chef- but that could be an obstacle to plan.

I got in my Chevrolet and started the engine and my phone vibrated in my pocket. It's Shanice, texting

Hey babe, where are you

I'm on my way to school now

I won. Yay! Told you I'd win

Not my fault I wasn't first at school

Then who's fault is it

Stemar's fault



Poor Stemar, this time he don't even know what you're talking about

See you soon Bae I'm going to drive now

Okay cuppie


While I drove to school I realized that not long after I left home, so did my brothers. Hope dad remember to call me the right time

So I park my car in the principal's spot, again.
What? It's literally the best spot.
I shut the car's engine off and exited

4 brothers 4 different minds (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now