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Alone time? Is It Too Much To Ask For?

Today is the day I go and collect my car since Richardo broke the wind screen.

I don't think it's fair of dad to do this to us. He may not see it but my brothers and I aren't pleased with this sudden change.

I know we've always tell him that he need to get his head in the game again. But we meant the dating game not children.

I was there thinking to myself until I was interrupted by my brothers knocking on my door.

"I'm in my underwear and I just got up, come in at your own risk." I notify them as they open the door

"Nothing we haven't seen before." Trevon said and they gave a nod of agreement. We all smile and shook our heads

"So what's up?" I ask as I pull the covers over my lower body.

"We just wanted to know what's the plan?" Stemar said

"What plan" I ask and raised a brow.

"HELLO!!?" Trevon waved his hands crazily thinking maybe I'll pick up. "Shenieka is here for a week."

"And that means, there will be just changes that gonna be put in place for us and the child" Richardo informed

"Guys, just chill and don't walk around without your underwear anymore. And we'll be totally fine." I said calmly

"So who's gonna take her to and from school?" Trevon asked looking around

" I don't know. I think that is dad's responsibility" I replied calmly.

"BOYS!!!" Dad's voice shouted downstairs

"Coming down!" I said barely lifting voice.

I bet he is going to tell me to look after the child for him.
I thought to myself as we walk downstairs.

"Good morning boys, how did you sleep?" Dad ask. Making breakfast.

"Can't say" I said and they nodded in agreement.

"Why?" He asked

"Cause I didn't sleep. I couldn't rather." I stated as I sat on one of the stools around the island.

"Well boys today is a big day." dad said as we settled in.

"Why?" Richardo asked

"well because your sister is gonna be..." Richardo cut him off

"yeah dad we know your daughter will here today, what we don't know if why it's a big day." He stated

"because you guys need to figure out which day you will be taking your sister to and from school this week." dad said and we all sighed

"why can't you do it? She is your responsibility and besides we don't know her." Trevon said

"that's the point you fool, to get to know her." dad replied

"but dad we will see her around the house everyday, so your plan kinda sucks." Stemar pointed out.

"Joseph?" dad called out to

"I'm right here dad, no need to shout." I answered

"what's your view, you seem quiet through all this?" he asked looking curious

"dad I'm with the boys, I say what they say. We all are saying the same thing."

"I'm so confused right now, could you please explain what is the real problem." he asked completely blank

"look dad, it's getting late and I need to get to school. I really don't have time for this" stemar said and walk out and trevon and Richardo followed behind him.

"dad if you would have spent more time with us, you'd know exactly what the problem is. You don't know your own children who you have lived with for the past 16 years, that's the real problem. I gotta go to school now..." I firmly stated as calmly as I possibly could before heading out.

What a way to start a day... Sucks. I know...
I thought to myself.

On that note my phone buzzed. Its Bridget.

Hello there, can't wait to see you later. I need to tell you something.

I'm not sure about that. Not in the mood today😞.

Joseph, baby. What's wrong?😮

Nothing is wrong! I just don't want any and I mean any unnecessary communication. I need to be alone.😑

Joseph! I need to talk to you. Please don't do this again.

I'm sorry Bridget, I can't. Please don't reply, goodbye😢

I turned my phone off after I sent the last message.


I got a cab to carry me to the auto shop since my brothers left. Collect the car make the payment of $350.00 and drove to school. Thanks to dad I missed first period.

As I enter the school walking to my locker hoping that nobody notices me the bell rang commencing first period

Great! Just great...
I sarcastically thought to myself.

The students rushed out through their classroom heading towards their respective classes. I picked up my pace eager not to be seen.

As I closed in on my locker I noticed Bridget standing across the room talking to Okeera.
My first reaction was WTF! But I  don't really care right now.

I straightened my poster and walked towards my locker, got my math books and when I slam it shut Bridget was right there staring at me

"What?" I asked not caring if she'd get offended

"Look I know you saw me talking with Okeera-" I cut her off right there

"Bridget! What the fuck! I don't care who you talk! Its me who the guy has a beef with not you, I don't care if you want to talk him! You are your own person!" I stated in rage

1,2,3,4 counting in my head to calm myself down

"Joseph! I'm trying to talk to you and you making it really hard." She said placing her hands on my chest walking up closer to me.

"Bridget! For the last time." I said calm as I took a few steps back remove her hands off me, "I DON'T WANT TO TALK!!! I WANT TO BE ALONE! FUCKING ALONE! Why can't you understand?" I exclaimed

"Joseph?" She sounded scared, step closer to me
"Don't." I said calmly but she ignored and continued coming closer and my fist tightened "DON'T!!" I shouted as I punched the locker door in front her face. She grew even more scared.

Same time I saw Okeera step out from around the corner down the hall.

I held my head down and smiled then look back Bridget and calmly said, "he's waiting for you. Don't keep him waiting." I gestures behind her where he was standing. She looked at me; eyes filled with tears and fear as if she regretted doing something then turned around and walk slowly towards him.
I returned my math book in my locker and drove off the school compound.

My head needed to be cleared and that wasn't gonna be possible at school.

Okay guys! Its been awhile yes. I agree.
I have been going through a writer's block!

This chapter is off the top of my head and it is not edited...not planning on Editting either.

Hope you like it.....

Sorry for the forever wait.

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4 brothers 4 different minds (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now