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Wonder how dad plan went

*bing bong* all three of us phone got a notification

"that's weird" Jada said laughing

I opened the message it's from dad and it reads

Dad: Emergency, come to the hospital with a changing suit for you brother as soon as possible

"oh shit!" Joseph, Stemar and I said in unison. Assuming we all got the same message, we shared a look and got in our cars leaving the girls at school.

This means dad's plan work but was too much bare up. God I hope he's going to be okay.
I know a day without eating can't hurt him that bad.

Joseph and Stemar went to hospital and I stopped to pick up something for Richardo to wear when he's leaving.


"there you are" Joseph said as I exit my car and walked towards him and Stemar.

"how is he?" I asked worried

"we don't know, we were waiting for you to enter with us" Stemar stated

"okay then let's go" I said walking pass them with the bag over my left shoulder.

They followed me as we walk towards the elevator.
I plunge in the floor number and waited for the door to open,

We entered and waited. As the elevator door open, we were greeted by dad looking anxious and weary.

"what took you so long" dad said between breaths

"how is he" all three of us said in unison.

"he's on oxygen" he informed and we sighed

We all rushed to the room following dad's lead.

When we entered we saw the doctor, a nurse and Shanice by his bed side holding his hand.

"hey bro, how you doing?" I asked as I put the bag down

"he's not talking" the doctor said

"why is that doctor?" dad questioned

"because it seems as if he hasn't eaten anything all day and be participating in breath taking activities" he informed

"he didn't eat breakfast this morning" dad said

"and he didn't touch his lunch today" Shanice added

"that explains why he lack energy, and what activities has he been doing?" doctor asked

"nothing out of the ordinary" I suggested and Stemar and Joseph nodded in agreement but Shanice looked as if she figured something out.

"um. I'm not sure if this would help but, he and I was kissing really passionately for a good period of time and when we stop he looked really worn" she explained

"yes that helped allot Ms, Mr Charm do you have any medical problems or any family sicknesses?" doctor asked

"no sir, my family and I has been healthy as a horse" dad notified

"well this is rare, because he's suffering from the lack of energy and oxygen at the same time, so just hope he make it through" the doctor said disappointedly

"um sir, what are the odds of him surviving this situation?" Joseph asked looking super worried like everyone else

"... um there is a 87% chance he" I heard every sigh of relief from the four us, " don't survive" the doctor finished his statement and our slight smiles turn immediately into sad faces

"no no no no no, this can't be happening" dad started pacing back and forth in the room, I saw Joseph holding his head, Stemar sat with his face in his hands, Shanice rest her head in Richardo's palm and my eyes are filled with tears just waiting to pour out.

*next day*

We all slept at the hospital, today dad would be going to work but he called in and explained to his superiors and he got two more days. We are in the room looking at Richardo in grief and hoping he'll make it through.

"bro, I don't know if you can hear me but... I'm telling you this. I love you and you are a fun person to be around and I need you, I don't know about the others but I need you here. Please come back to us. And I promise if you come back I'll be a better brother than I already am and i..." Joseph started talking but couldn't finish, he burst out in tears and dad went to comfort him and we all hugged each other in effort of comforting each other.

"son, please don't leave me here. Life has bigger plans for you. You have to fight this... please fight this. If it is the last thing you do just fight this" dad broke down in tears

"don't leave CharmR , you are the cool one, the one I look to for joke when I'm down. You are my blue skies when my day look raining, you can't leave me here" Stemar broke down
(CharmR is a brotherly nickname=last name and the first letter in the first name)

"I know I've never told you this before, but I always look up to you and I love you so much, and if you leave me here, leave us here. This world will forever be blue and gloomy" I said trying to hold back the tears but couldn't

*few hours later*

We are still in the room at the bed side when the doctor came in

"you need to eat something or you'll end up like him sirs" he stated

"watch your mouth! I can make you lose your job in one call" dad shouted out of grief

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to stir up any feeling sir" he said calm

"what's the status doc" Joseph asked

"well I have the results in my office, but it's a good thing or sign he is still breathing" he said

"could you please go get the result and not get our hopes up" Stemar said furiously

"and while you are at it, get three hot chocolate please" dad asked demandingly

"sure thing sir, I'll be right back" the doctor said and left the room

A moment after he left the opened
Shanice, Bridget, Jada, and Shannon stepped in with smiles on their faces which immediately fell the moment they saw us

"oh no, is he?" Jada asked

"not yet at least" I said softly

"baby, you have to make it through this. You are stronger than this. Please don't leave me here Bae please don't leave me" Shanice said immediately tearing up

The door opened and the doctor came in with the hot chocolates in a case in one hand and the billboard in the other

"thank you sir" I said as I took the case and distribute it to dad and my brothers

"start talking doc" dad demanded

"um sir, please stay calm" dad cut him off

"do you have any children?" dad ask getting heated

"yes sir, I have two children" he replied

"I'm going to assume you love them just the same, so now imagine that one of them is in Richardo's position right now, tell me how you'd feel when you asked the doc for answers and he told you to stay calm!" dad started shouting

"doc just tell us what is happening" Joseph said

"um young ladies, am sorry. Could you excuse me please, family only" the doctor said and the girls left the room

"SO START TALKING!" dad shouted looking totally angry

4 brothers 4 different minds (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now