Hands Down

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Stevie groans when there's a knock at her hotel room door. She was just about to take a nice hot bubble bath and enjoy a much needed glass of wine.

When she opens the door, she almost closes it again, but Lindsey's foot stops her before she can.

"Get dressed. We're going on an adventure," he says excitedly.

"I don't feel like going on an adventure and I definitely don't think it's safe to go on an adventure this time of night in Cleveland."

"I'll keep you safe, I promise."

She sighs, knowing he won't give up, and goes to the bathroom to turn off the tub and get dressed. When she walks back out he's wearing an Indians baseball cap and hands one to her. She just stares at it with her arms crossed.

"Come on, we have to be discreet."

She rolls her eyes, puts the hat on, and follows him out.

"Where are we going?" She mumbles.

He starts walking to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame building and she follows closely behind him.

"Lindsey, I hate to break it to you, but I think they're closed."

"We're inductees; that doesn't apply to us. Plus with my charm and your boobs, I think we'll be okay."

She rolls her eyes but follows him over to the security guard anyway. Turns out she was the one charming their way in. She knew she was being flirtatious with the man and she knew it bothered Lindsey. She loved every second of it.

"You might as well have just crawled into his lap," Lindsey mumbles as they walk inside.

"I would have, but I didn't want an audience,"  she smirks to herself and walks around, looking at the various inductees and the things that have been donated for display.

She stops and admires Elvis Presley's beautiful pink car when she gets to it. It's always been her favorite piece in the museum.

"I can't believe Elvis had a fucking pink car."

"Well," Stevie says, running her fingers over the pink Cadillac, "when you're that good looking and you have that big of a dick, you can have anything you want."

"I feel like there was a dig at me in there somewhere." She can feel Lindsey watching her closely. She shrugs her shoulders and keeps walking.

"Stevie, what is your problem with me?" He's right on her heels, so when she spins around to look at him, she almost comes face to chest with him.

She takes a step back, "are you seriously asking me that?"

"Yeah, I am! We used to be friends."

"Used to be. We aren't anymore. We're nothing. We are bandmates and that is it."

"You don't mean that."

She heaves a sigh. She was so tired. She doesn't know if she has this fight in her.

"You are the most selfish man I have ever met in my entire life," she holds her hand up to keep him from interrupting. "Kristen got pregnant and you were gone, right out the fucking door. Oh no, wait. Let's back up here, when you found out, you offered to pay for an abortion. You basically asked a woman to give up her child so you wouldn't have to deal with it. Then she refused. So, you say you're going to do the right thing and step up and be there for your son. Here's the thing though, from what I gather; from the things you tell me, you don't even love that poor girl."

"I...do lo—"

"Shut up, Lindsey. It's my turn to talk. You and I were finally happy and we were finally making things work. Then you found out about that baby and thought to yourself, 'well, this is over,' but it didn't have to be. The three of us could have made it work. You could have asked for joint custody, which I am sure she would have let you have. We could have all been a family! We could have taken that little boy to the park on the weekends, on vacations in the summer. We could have gone to his tee ball games and thrown him birthday parties, and we still could have had our own children while we had the chance. But no, you didn't think about anyone else. You only thought about yourself. Now you have two kids and a young, beautiful wife who would do anything for you and I hate her. I hate her, Lindsey! I don't want to. I don't want to feel this way, but she just ripped the carpet from right out underneath my feet. That was supposed to be our life and you are sharing it with someone else. Then you try to walk around acting like it doesn't fucking bother you, but I know you and I know it does bother you, and I hope it hurts you every single time you look at me."

She doesn't give him a chance to respond. She brushes past him to head back to the entrance and leaves him standing there stunned.

She finally got all the things she's been wanting to say to him for the past six years off her chest.

She still doesn't feel any better.

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