Screaming Infidelities

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Ah, the chapter you've all been waiting for ;-)

There was something in the air tonight. Maybe it had to do with the fact that this concert was being recorded live, but it felt like more than that.

To say Stevie and Lindsey have mended their relationship would be an overstatement. They were polite with each other though, and they didn't waste as much time arguing as they did joking around and trying to enjoy this tour.

They didn't want to fight anymore. Neither one of them had anything left to scream at the other about. It wasn't worth it. They were both getting too old and too tired for that sort of thing.

But then...tonight. Tonight on stage something happens. Maybe people notice and maybe they don't. She does, though, and if she notices he definitely notices it too.

They're singing Silver Springs like any other night, and it's pretty ordinary for the most part. It's not like they haven't sang it a million times before.

When she turns to face him this time, however, she notices the intense look in his eyes and the way he's strumming at his guitar. She's almost afraid he's going to break the strings, or make his fingers bleed. He's nearly yelling the lyrics at her and, not to be outdone, she's nearly yelling them back.

She can't remember a time they preformed the song so intensely since...well, since The Dance, actually.

She turns back to the audience to finish the song, but she can feel his eyes like they're burning her skin. She feels like she might burst into flames at any moment.

When the song ends, she gives him a quick glance, but he's already turned away from her, ready to move on to the next song. All she can do is shrug it off for now. Maybe they'll talk about later and maybe they won't.

After the show, Stevie is walking backstage, thanking everyone for the praise they're giving her for her performance tonight.

She heads into her dressing room, opening the door wide enough for Lindsey to slide right in, close the door and lock it. She is now trapped between two strong arms resting on the door.

Which one of them goes in first, doesn't really matter. The kisses are frenzied snd sloppy with a lot of biting and licking and moaning; so much moaning.

She's tilting her head so he can kiss down her neck and she's trying to get the rest of the buttons undone on his shirt. She gives up, ripping it open, buttons flying across the floor. Neither of them stop to care. She pushes the shirt off and he kisses back to her mouth, seeking entrance that she eagerly agrees to.

He doesn't try to bother much with the contraption she's wearing. He lifts the bottom of her flowing dress up and tugs off her panties. He looks slightly impressed with the lace she's chosen, but gets distracted by her delicate fingers pulling his belt from his pants and tossing it aside; leaving her fingers to push down his pants and boxers as far as they can go in one quick motion.

He runs his fingers through her slick folds, making sure she's ready, but the low moan he gets from her is enough to tell him she is.

Thankfully she was still wearing her boots, which made it much easier for him to lift her by the backs of her thighs. She fixes her dress just right and his hands slide around to her ass; the only things holding her up besides the wall.

One quick, hard stroke and he's fully inside of her. They both let out a sigh. She holds onto his shoulders and he looks her in the eyes and then she gives him the nod.

It is not glorious, it does not last as long as either of them would have liked. It is frenzied and passionate and exactly what they need.

They hold on to each other for as long as they can, until he has to set her down. She goes to the bathroom to clean up and change her clothes.

When she comes back out, he's fully dressed, even though he can't button his shirt. She sits down next to him on the couch, resting her hand on the back of his neck.

"That can't happen again," she says.

He nods, "I know"

This time she nods, but he speaks again, "it will, though,"

She nods, "I know."

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