Time Off

365 8 3

You and Diderik were relaxing on a cold winter day,curled up together in cozy sweaters and jeans. "Y/N what do you think of some of our friends coming over to watch a movie?" You grinned and leaned up to kiss his chin,curling further into his chest as he played with your hair. Both of you relaxed for a good half hour enjoying each others  company,until the doorbell sounded and he sighed,standing up to open the door.
"Y/N,Heather is here!" He yelled from the doorway as you made your way to the kitchen to grab the snacks. Diderik and Heather sat down on the couch and began a conversation as you brought the snack dishes into the living room and sat them on the table. You relaxed next to Diderik giving Heather a soft smile."Hey Y/N,I haven't seen you since last Christmas how are you?" Heather asked with a smile. You chuckled,"I've been great dude,wish you would have stopped in sooner!" You chuckled. You and Heather both laughed as Diderik smiled,rolling his eyes and turning on 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' You  loved Tim Burton and this movie was your childhood. You remember all the chilly afternoons you spent watching the cartoons on tv,your mom and  dad divorced when you were six so that was one of the only things you looked forward to when you switched houses. You met Diderik when you were both 16 and have been together ever since. You zone back into the movie and snuggle into his side.

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