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Take a chill pill, Pidgeon

Okay, fine. The narrative in this one is going to be more interesting simply for the narrative effect.

Smart. Never thought you a storyteller, though

Aren't I?


DAY 13:

The sounds roar in her ears, the loud screeches and screams of battle emanating throughout the echoey planet of Galaxor. Today was one of a series of battles that Lotor had suddenly decided to start. Rather unlike him.

She hears soldiers fall, Galaxorians fall, and flashes of light blink from some distant place, shining from in front of the mountain Pidge was hidden behind.


A war that Prince Lotor seemed intent on winning.

Why this planet? Why did he want this planet so much? Lotor had even gone far enough to mobilise ground troops; he almost never does that. Lotor doesn't normally capture planets, for that matter. That's more of a Zarkon thing, frankly.

Angered at yet another sound of anguish, Pidge nearly slams her hands on the controls of her lion. Nearly. But she doesn't.

Allura ordered her not to blow cover that Voltron is here, and she is trying her freaking best to hide herself in her lion, but...

"Pidgeeeee, I'm bored," Lance whines, from the other end of her intercom.

"Go suck your own dick or something, I'm not here for entertainment," she groans, tapping her forehead in thought. She gets up, wanders around, and it does nothing.

"I would if I could, but even Loverboy Lance isn't that flexible," he responds. Pidge chokes on her drink.

"Too much information!"

"Not like I can control it," he defends, and Pidge is wondering how he doesn't seem the least bit abashed of that fact. "Besides, isn't that the whole reason we're stuck in here? Because we can't hide it?"

"Uh, duh." So lame, she thinks. Her response, that is. Even with a truth spell, her answers are as bland as ever. "But I still don't need to hear about you sucking your own dick."

"Fine, then do you wan-?"

"Oh, shut up," she cuts off quite dismissively, cleverly making sure that he doesn't finish that question.

...who knows what she would have answered with? She doesn't really even know what the truth is anymore. It's fucking confusing.

"Hey, Pidge?"

"Lance, I swear to god-"

"No, Pidge, I think I see Allura."

Pidge scrambles to her window, peering down.

Sure enough, there was a little Allura, frantically waving her hands and pointing.

A Month Of Truth From Pidge And Lance : Narrated EditionWhere stories live. Discover now