No Angel

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No Angel

Beyonce searched the shelves of the tiny hardware store in search of a new rod for her shower. The old one had seemed to suddenly break as she exited the bathtub. Alright it didn't suddenly break...a flying insect had invaded her space and she gripped the shower curtain in sheer panic. Damn near lost her life to a creature no bigger than her pinky finger. But she'd never tell a soul.

"You are probably the last person I'd expect to find here." A deep voice rumbled behind her. She was so deep in thought...plastic or metal; she didn't even hear the intruder walk up behind her.

Beyonce whipped her head around and her eyes collided with the one person she had been lucky enough to avoid for the past few weeks. Well...The Sons had been quite busy causing a ruckus in the tiny town, so she didn't have to try had. "I need a new shower rod."

He laughed. "Really? Couldn't send your assistant out for this."

Beyonce rolled her eyes and smiled. She knew he was just messing with her. "I gave the maid the night off. Asshole."

Jax grinned down at her. He had been walking past the store and spotted her walking the aisles. He felt like a creep and before he knew it he was headed inside. She hadn't called him, not as if he expected her too, but he'd wanted her too. Samcro had been put in the middle of some deep shit the past few weeks; add in his issues with his ex-wife and mom...shit just kept piling up. But every night when he laid in bed he began to wonder what the tiny superstar was up to, if she had a good day, and if she ever thought of him.

They were two people on different sides of the track, but as his eyes wondered over her figure down to her cowboy boots and back up to her face; the way she averted her eyes and the sudden glow to her skin let him know that she thought something of him. He reached past her head full for dirty blond waves; he grabbed for a metal pole and brought it to her eyes. "How about this one Darlin'?"


Beyonce would have given her left ovary to hear him say it again. She glanced down at the metal pole and her eyebrows rose in surprise. It was not one she had expected him to pull and not one she had expect to be inside of the family owned hardware store. The brushed nickel pole curved slightly and was prepacked with hooks that had tiny jewels along the top. "Gorgeous."

She glanced back up at his face and found him watching and waiting for her approval. A few strands of blond hair had escaped from behind his ear and before she couldn't stop herself; she reached out and smoothed it back. The action brought them closer together and suddenly the miniature shop felt even smaller. Jax didn't move an inch as he allowed her to touch him. She wanted to touch him and he wanted to be touched. With her hand so close to his face; he inhaled her scent...coconut oil and flowers. Their eyes connected and Jax found he was staring into brown ones that looked as warm as whiskey, they soon changed to a velvet honey and he decided that was his new favorite color. But the moment was lost as an elderly man stormed on to the aisle not paying them any attention. She dropped her hand mechanically. Beyonce swore Jax growled at the interference.

"Thanks." Jax grinned. His full pink lips widened into a sinister smirk. Beyonce couldn't stand the effect he had on her. What the hell was she doing?

Messing with danger that's what the fuck you are doing.

But she couldn't help herself. "Wanna install this for me? You know I might hurt myself on a stool or something."

Congrats Bey you've officially been entered into the cornball hall of fame. Why don't you just ask him to fix your sink while you're at it and wear a skimpy ass night gown just to secure the deal? Play out a scene on a low budget porn film"

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