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Gemma was up to her neck in invoices when her son sauntered into the Teller-Morrow office. Jax shut the door quietly behind him; blocking out the beating sun and the Cali heat. He hadn't been home and he felt the need to warn his mom that a certain long legged celebrity would be attending the evening's festivity. Even though he'd made a run with his best friend earlier, he should have been dead tired and ready to crash in the dorms, but here he was getting ready to spill his feelings to the one person he feared the most.

"God damn it Jackson. I had those all sorted." Gemma yelled as she watched her son shift a pile of papers from the corner of the tiny desk, just so he could sit his boney ass of the edge like the privileged prince he was. He didn't respond back, just stared at her with this goofy ass grin that she'd never seen before. "What has you all...I don't even know what to call this. Why are you smiling so damn hard? You know how long this shit has taken me? What do you want child?!"

"Well, my most gracious and loving mother...I came to tell you I might have invited a special guest tonight. A very special guest."

"Have you put your dick in said special guest? And you might have or you did? My most spoiled ass son." Gemma pulled no punches with her kid as she leaned on the desk and stared at him with seriousness in her brown eyes. She'd boldly put him in his place like some stranger on the street. Something was different about her some; he was dressed as normal in his navy blue zip-up hoodie, a crisp white tee peaked out from the bottom, dark denim jeans that had seen better days, and new white air maxxs on his feet. His blond hair was still parted down the middle and pushed behind his ears, but as he tilted his head she noticed a twinkle in his baby blue eyes that matched the goofy grin on his lips. "Why are you smiling like that? Stop it! It's giving me the creeps."

"No I haven't put my dick in her-"

"Her? Interesting. So who is the lucky lady that has dodged your charm, but you are willing to throw in the same arena as me?" Gemma leaned back to unzipped the leather jacket she sported faithfully.


"Jackson get the hell out of my office. I don't have energy to deal with you. The damn shop is backed-up at least 2 days, the croweaters are no fucking help, and that young lady is not about to venture out into Charming and she definitely ain't coming to the clubhouse for cheap beer and Wal-Mart steaks." She yelled as she took in her sons growing smirk. He was not joking. He was dead serious.

Gemma was the reigning Queen of Charming and she knew the exact minute Beyoncé bought her house. She couldn't say she was a die-hard fan, but she did enjoy her last album. She and Luanne blasted it for months when they had a girl's night. Unser had even met her along with Mayor Hale, Unser had described her as gracious, quiet, and generous. She baked them a pound cake...a fucking pound cake.

"You're serious?"

"Like the kutte on my back." Jax laughed at his mother's stunned face as he patted the VP patch on his chest. He could count the times on one hand that Gemma Morrow had ever been speechless.

Gemma was stunned until she took in her son's appearance. "So tell me Mr. VP how you came about inviting our special guest to a club party. Is my son down with the swirl now?"

"What the fuck does that even mean?" Jax laughed as he removed himself from the desk and plopped himself into a chair across from his mother. "I helped her install a shower rod last night and-"

"You helped a grown woman from Texas install a rod-"

"I didn't take you for a fan mom."

"I-Im not really." Gemma back peddled. "But I also don't live under a rock nor am I stupid."

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