Super Powers

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Super Powers

"Sooo, ya'll didn't fuck?" Beyonce rolled her eyes as she held her cell phone; listening to her younger sister state on the other end. She'd gone over everything that transpired between her and the blue-eyed man. As much as her palms had itched to wrap around everything he held beneath his jeans...she didn't.

"NO! I was a complete fucking lady."

"Bitch! Do you forget I know you? You haven't had any in almost a year; first off. And the way you have described that man is enough to make me drive to that backwards ass town and take a peek. Save the good girl shit for Kelly and Angie."

Bey threw her head back and laughed. Solange was right. She and Jay hadn't touched each other during the last year of their marriage. She'd been upset and turned off by his consistent disrespect. Jax was a breath of fresh air and she couldn't wait until he'd donned his kutte and left; just so she could call her sister at 5 a.m. and dish on her last few weeks in Charming. It wasn't like she didn't talk to her daily, but last night was something to unquestionably speak on. But the evening spent with Mr. Teller was innocent. As innocent as it could be with two adults with a ton of sexual energy between them.


"Im someone you don't want to get mixed up with." He sighed as he leaned away from her. He knew they were about to get personal and he knew there was no place for her in his world. He was way too fucked up and she was way too innocent to be subjected to his shit. "Im just a good guy at the moment helping out a friend of a friend. Who are you?"

Bey and Jax shared a smirk. "Im just a good girl trying to be the friend of a friend."

"You don't know what you're asking for." Jax frowned.

"Jax. I've built my entire life asking for things and working to get them." It might have been the alcohol or the small space that was making her bold, but she ran her hands along his jean covered legs and slid across the floor, so she was close enough to lay her head along the inside of his thigh. She gazed up at him with questioning eyes. "How hard are you gonna make me work?"

Not hard it seemed. Beyonce stood up abruptly from her spot; half embarrassed by her behavior and half hungry. She adjusted the shirt on her shoulders and the fabric settled to a modest length along her thighs. Jax eyes shifted several shades of blue as he watched her movements and began to miss the feel of her close to him. "Forget the shower. Pizza Rolls?"

He chuckled at the childish grin upon her face. And then he smiled. She probably hadn't had pizza roles in forever and this was her attempt at being normal. "I don't know if Pizza Rolls are gonna make me spill my soul."

"What if...I throw in some ice cream and Law & Order?" Beyonce asked as she retrieved their empty glasses from the bathroom counter and sauntered off to the kitchen.


Jax had never been in this situation before. Most women threw themselves at him. They were the easier targets, no games, no deep conversations, and they certainly didn't make him reevaluate his life choices. He lay on his back with Beyonce between his legs; her head on his stomach, alternating her attention between him and the t.v. The sofa was well equipped to hold his 6ft frame and he silently wondered how much it had cost her.

"Was she always a drug user?" Beyonce asked as she shifted her gaze to him. The television's lights bouncing off her brown orbs and her chin rested in the center of his abs. "Honestly Jax, you don't have to answer any of these questions. I'm just nosey sometimes."

They'd dived into every damn subject under the sun and Jax realized her attention bounced around and once she found a subject she loved; her eyes lit up. Like now. "She was a croweater, so the party life was her thing. I just realized too late that I wasn't enough to drag her out of it. Wendy isn't a bad person. She starts off with good intentions, but ends up with selfish results. If that makes any sense."

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