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I inhaled and dragged the rather large suitcase by my side, avoiding any human contact, eye contact, and talking. Hell to the no..social anxiety is a bitch.

I dragged the suit case to the main office, looking around. It was a small office with a intercom that probably spread across the whole campus, and a little desk with a woman behind it. I tugged the suitcase harshly and walked over, looking over the desk "hello!" She exclaimed making me jump slightly.

"I-I- hi- helloo" I stuttered lit, mentally face palming. "I'm Sally Hemmings and if you would just tell me your name then I can give your dorm number and roommate name" she gave a warm smile while spinning around on her rolled chair to a computer behind her.

"J-James Madison.." I whispered. "Ah! New kid" she chirped and stood up, walking into the back room for a moment. I took the change to take out a snickers bar I had stashed in my pocket, I hate my chubbiness and barley eat..but come on, snickers bar.

I put it away quickly when she balked back into the room with a key and a paper with, well words. She handed it to me with a smile,. I gladly took it and stashed the key in my front button up gray shirt.

"Thanks mam" I waved and turned around, grabbing my suitcase and leaving the office. I pulled it down the sidewalk and into the dorm buildings.

I walked though the halls uncomfortable while getting stared at by some people, and others didn't care. I glanced down at the paper in his hand and let out a quiet sigh.

"209.." I whispered and continued to walk with a quiet sigh. I finally found the dorm, of course it was night already. I clenched the paper in my hand crumbling it up while pressing my knuckles to the door, knocking in a similar pattern. I pulled my hand back and patiently waited for someone to answer.

I shifted on my heels to my tippy toes, making a squeaky noise since my shoes was wet and the ground was marvel. The door creeped open slowly, I blinked and looked up at tall ass man that stood before me.

He had fluffy hair tied back into a messy bun. His thank top was black and had " I ❤️ 🇫🇷" on it in white bubble letters. And I just say he was rather sculpted, and attractive as hell.

"Oui, oui, mon ami!" He exclaimed and opened the door widely, I smiled a bit and looked up at him, and then into the dorm. There was just a pile of people on the poor small couch. I glanced up at the tv and say lion king.

"Simba, I am your father" one with a bandana on said in a low voice. "Wrong movie idiot!" A freckled one shoved his hand into the darkened mans skin slapping him playfully.

I giggled quietly and looked back over at the tall guy with a smile. "je m'appelle Lafayette" he extended his hand for me to shake. "Im sorry what..?" I said quietly, doing the same, letting him wrap his bigger hand around mine.

"James Madison" I smiled and shook his hand carefully. "who the fuck is that" The man with the blue bandana interrupted the silence. I snapped my head over to the couch and saw to two men staring at me like I was some kid in the middle of a gorilla exhibit.

I pulled my hand away from the French man, pulling my suitcase with the other hand. "Hey! Play nice" Lafayette called to his friends who began to hop of the couch.

I widened my eyes and let the suitcase drop backing up a bit. That was until I hit the wall behind me. The freckles boy laughed quietly and walked over with a grind on his face. "Don't worry we don't bite" he leaned back and wrapped his arm around the bandanas man. "And Hercules is a big baby" he added, the darker man looked offended so I just assumed that was him.

"You're scaring the man my lord" Lafayette laughs and shuts the main door.

"Hercules mulligan" he guy with the blue bandana says, raising his arm and saluting.

The freckled one rolled their eyes and smiled brightly picking up my sit case for me. "John Laurens, in the place to be" he turned and walked into where I guess my bedroom would be.

I felt heat gather up on my face and across my cheeks and ears. "Il est tellement mignon" the French one- uh Lafayette, bend down and said to his friend. Hercules pushed Lafayette away and walked over beside of me wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

I let out a quiet squeak and looked over at him, I wasn't but some inches smaller, other then the fact that he was fucking b u i l t. He had a tight grip around me making me squish into his side. whined and couldn't speak at all, like always.

"Lets go" Hercules laughed and pulled me through the dorm, I barley dragged along, almost falling when he pulled me into the bedroom. He finally let go and let, i stood awkwardly in front of him looking at the freckled boy who
was gently laying the bed out, fixing the sheets. My blush got even darker when he turned around and winked.

He walked over and picked my suitcase from the ground where he left t and laid it gently on the end of the bed on the other side, turning back to me and Hercules.

"Made your bed, since the assholes here are too lazy to" he laughed and placed his hand son his hips. Me standing there desperately trying to while the blush from my cheeks mentally, I'm so fucking gay I need to stop it.

"Hey no flirting with the new guy" Hercules said in a joking tone before I felt two heavy hands press against my back and push me forward. I closed my eyes slightly and felt myself push against someone and fall. I fluttered my eyes open and looked up at john who was blushing slightly but smiling, his hands wrapped around me protectively so I wouldn't fall I guess.

I let out a nervous laugh and imbed off of him and into the floor standing up straight. "S-sorry sorry!" I stuttered and looked down at my feet.

"Oui I ship it"

I don't think anyone's gonna read this but I ship this so hard I had to make this

Word count: 1109

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