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"leTS GO BitCHES- GUESS WHAT GROUP GOT INTO THE FEILD TRIP!" The loud deep voice boomed through the dorm rooms. John shot up, his chest rising and falling in a quick pace as obnoxious yelling came from the main room, moments later his door busted open, revealing Hercules who was overly excited and neck covered in hickeys.

"WAKEY wAKEY!" He exclaimed and rushed over to the bed, hopping ontop of the freckled boy. John huffed as the bed squeaked under them, he reached up and pushed the darker skinned boys face away with a low groan, he had the biggest headache from crying yesterday, he jut wanted to crawl up in a ball and die.

"Joohn!" Hercules whined and grabbed he boys hands, pinning the down and huffing. "Get up, before we fight" he joked and jumped off the bed, dusting himself off, and leaving the room in a hurry.

John whined and slid his legs of the side of the bed, rubbing his eyes with a whine. "Fuckin.." he mumbled cuss words, complaining about everything.

He stood up and stretched out, walking over to the couch and opening the closet. He pulled out a half sleeve shirt with the shoulders cut out, simple dark gray with a white circle design in the middle.

He sighed and slipped on some black joggers aswell, hating the fact that he's gonna have to leave his cosey little room. John rubbed a hand through his hand through his thick light brown curls.

"Hey James, everything's totally normal and I didn't cry all night about being friend zoned" john explained into the mirror, talking with his hands like he was actually talking to James.

John exhaled and turned on his heel, making his way out of the room, he glanced around the room and saw john, Lafayette, Madison, and Alexander all piled on the couch, Madison laying across Lafayette and Alex put his feet on Hercules who was rambling on.

John barley smiled and walked over, messing with his hair he went to sit down, just being quiet but he got the attention of Madison who smiled brightly and waved. John shut up and nodded as Madison, walking over to the arm of the couch.

"Oui! We're all in the field trip mon ami! Think of the odds!" Lafayette laughed and pushed Madison off of his lap and onto Hercules and Alex, who groaned and laughed at eachother.

"All together in like a group thing?" John hummed and watched as Lafayette strutted over to him, hand on his hip, eye wing on fleek like always, the purple makeup covered his eyelids perfectly. He. was. a. French. God.

"Non- there gonna be more of us but far as I know, Washington told me earlier" Lafayette slung his arm around Johns neck and pulled him down against his arm pit, that smelled like heaven, now that's weird to say about your best friend but john could care less. Lafayette really took care of himself, he could be a bum and yucky and icky, but instead he was perfect and beautiful, the best friend you could ever want.

"MY PARTNERS LAFAYETTE BITCHES!" Hercules screamed at the top of his lunges from the pile of boys on the couch that laid across him. Lafayette chuckled and pulled john over to the couch, sitting down and putting john in his lap since there was no room, the squad never really bothered to say anything about personal space, they was all bi, or gay, or pan, so they just hung on each other like it was nothing.

"I'm yours!" Madison chirped and pushed Alex off of him easily, who fell off onto the rug with a thud and a loud "Heey!" John glanced over at Madison and tried to comprehend what he just said, feeling his cheeks heat up and change color, curse his flushed cheeks.

"Your partner?" Madison crawled over and sat down in the middle of the couch, in between Hercules and Lafayette.

Right of course he wasn't talking that that, Madison will never be yours.

John thought and frowned slightly, but only for a second because he didn't want anyone to see he was upset, it quietly turned into a smile. "Ayee! We're buss buddies" John snickered and climbed off of Lafayette, sitting down beside Madison.

"Ugh, I got Jeffershit" Alexander complained and stood up, deciding to just sit himself down on the coffee table since the couch was almost full already.

Madison frowned and looked over at Alex with a slightly unamused face "He's not that bad, you don't know him like I do" James glared with obvious anger caught on his face.

"Ha! He's almost beat me to death in the school parking lot, so yea! Congratulations that you know a different Thomas" Alexander snapped. He's always the one to get into fight no matter what it is, john couldn't help but to worry if this would lead to a big fight or not.

"I'm sure he had a reason" James glared and crossed his arms along his chest. John looked over at Alexander and saw that Alexander had his tongue tucked out, biting down on it angrily. John noticed it as one of Alexanders signs of throwing a punch.

"Alright- enough about Thomas please" John exhaled and held his hands up in front of him and Madison, just in case Alexander would throw a punch he could catch it.

"You better watch out for who you're hanging out with, im gonna go pack for the trip" Alex glared and stood up, walking over to the door and opening it with a tiny tingly click "Bte guys" he chirped before walking out, shutting the door behind him harshly.

Lafayette frowned and looked over at Madison "oui..Jefferson is not a good kid, I would tell you to stay away from him out it obvious that you won't, so just be careful with hanging out with him, he's dangerous" Laf explained and placed a hand on Madison's shoulder, who leaned into him, not saying another word.

John huffed and crossed his arms a bit, mumbling something quietly, the others could barley make out something about if Madison gets hurt he's gonna snap Thomas' neck. Lafayette Hummed and looked over "what was that mom ami?"


word count- 1053

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