the next morning

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i got packed up for school "i don't want to go yet" i said "you don't have to go i'm not making you go" my mom replied "i thought you wanted to go" "iv'e never wanted to go to school no one wants to go to school mom" "well you can stay then, i'm just saying i thought you wanted to go"

i spent most of my time looking at my phone until i saw a thot then, i threw my phone across the room. "there's got to be somebody that you met yesterday that you wan't to see again" my mom said "the one that i saw is probably in school right now" "well you can get your TV up so you can watch you-tube or whatever you do on there" that made me get up. i grabbed the box that my TV was in and went in to my room. the thought of not being bored kind of amazed me. i hooked it up to the outlet got the Ethernet into the living room (there was already a hole for it) i plugged in the router and got internet on the TV. i sat and watched until about 4:00 when i saw a bus, a school bus come by. that got me up too the fact that maybe the people in 666 were home now i asked if i could go out and went into the hallway. the door opened and almost hit me in the face 4 people came out, one was kami. he turned around and said hello. "im guessing that your looking for me" "yeah i guess it's kind of boring here when i don't go to school yet" "I feel you" said the girl standing next to kami "OH sorry i forgot to introduce you to my twin this is aquas" "another unusual name" i said trying not to be offensive. "yeah we all kind of have weird names except for one of us she has a more normal name" "Katrina" aquas said this is when i realized it was extremely hot outside (the vents in the hall were open) "i think there's a heatwave here." "yeah so" the one in the black sweatshirt said. "oh this is tor" he said pointing to him and then he pointed to the girl next to him "and this is epi" " we're just dropping off our stuff then heading outside." aquas said. she seemed to be the kind of person who would be nice no mater what happened. so i went inside to grab a bottle of water (it was hot out there) that's when i heard something outside. it was something unusual, i ran to my window and found aquas pulling kami back from something...somebody. it was a kid who looked more muscular but he seemed to be afraid of kami. aquas was holding him back as hard as she could but he just kept going. then he actually picked up the kid and threw him down. i then realized that the kid was spiting blood. kami bent down and grabbed him by the neck and drew blood from him and drew a pentagram around him. he was instantly yelled at by aquas and somehow the corpse disappeared. "so last night wasn't a nightmare?" i thought. i was scared now it had also started the middle of a heat wave but once aquas stopped yelling it stopped. i decided to go outside and see what they were about...

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