Unanswered (2)

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LalisaLisa: ...

LalisaLisa: A month already...

LalisaLisa: Come back...Please....

No one's POV

While typing her words, tears started to flow down her cheeks. She wants Jennie back but still no answer. She missed Jennie so much. When Jennie didn't answer her questions. She felt millions of bullets shoots through her chest. She hoped that Jennie will answer her ASAP.

Jennie's POV

It's been a month..? I'm not sure but I think Lisa was worried about me..i guess... I wanted to see my phone to check whether people are looking for me but guess what. No WiFi. 👏 *Sighs* I'm a curious type of person so, I ask my mom if I can go back to Korea.

Jennie: Mom, Can I go back to Korea?

Jennie's Mom: Wae? Are you busy?

Jennie: Aniyo, it's just. I missed someone...

Jennie's Mom: Awwww, looks like my girl has grown up. You didn't tell me that you have a boyfriend *Winks*

Jennie: Well, yea haha (her voice cracks)

Jennie's Mom: Just joking, anyways who's the lucky girl?

Jennie: ..., how do you know that I miss the most is a girl?

Jennie's Mom: I'm your mother Jennie *Laughs*

Jennie: You ok with that? I mean like, you ok if I date a girl? You're not mad?

Jennie's Mom: Why should I be mad at you. The most important thing is that you should be careful while dating a girl. People might say bad thimgs to you.

Jennie: Ok Mom. I love you. *hugs*

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