Chapter 6

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Man so much in two hours. I found my mate and she also kills people for a living. And like i said before its hot. My woman is doing her thing if you ask me.

Now i have to tell Zac we have a killer in our pack.

I walked into the pack house.

'Zac where are you at'? I mindlinked him

'In the office with Shane'.

So i walked upstairs and went to his office. And yes his office is on the second floor.  I walked in and Shane and Zac were just talking.

"So did you find your mate"? Shane asked.

"Yes i did. She will be moving in at the end of the week. But we have a bigger problem".

I sat down in one of the chairs in front of Zac's desk.

"And what is that"?

"Well i found out that one of our members is randomly killing women. And not just she wolves, humans too".

Zac dropped his pen that was in his hand and stood up.

"What the hell do you mean"?

"Jerry makes different online profiles to lure women in"?

"Bro how did you find this out"?

"A reliable source plus the dating website he is on". I got up from the chair and went to his computer and went to the website Gabby showed me.

His name on there was Michael. I find him and showed Zac and Shane.

"Damn how long has he been doing this"?

"Three months and he has killed over 15 women".

"You know i dont tolerate this shit in my pack. This will make our neighboring packs not want to be allies. Fuck no i need him gone". Zac said

"What are you going to do"?

"Fuck him up thats what im going to do".

His eyes glossed over meaning he was mindlinking someone.

"Lets go to the dungeon". Zac said walking out of the office with Shane and I following behind him.

Once we went down alot of stairs we finally got to the dungeon. I hated that it was allll the way down there.

We ended up going to the torture room.

Shane and I stood in the back because we knew what was about to happen. Zac grabbed his glove that had these silver claws on the knuckles.

Soon the guards brought Jerry in the room and strapped him up on the wall.

"A-Alpha whats going on"? He asked very nervously.

Zac walked slowly to him. "Well i heard that you have been having a little killing spree for no reason".

"I-I dont know what you are talking about". He said obviously lying.

"I feel like you are taking me as a fool".

He punched him straight in the face. "I dont appreciate that. Do you think im stupid". He told him punching him again in the face.

Jerry looked at him and smiled evilly. "Oh Alpha". He spit blood. "It took you three months to figure out that i was even doing it so yeah a little stupid".

That made Zac go crazy and his wolf was out. He took the glove off and his sharp teeth and claws came out.

His wolf ended up tearing him to shreds. And i mean pieces of him fell off his body. I feel like i was in a war for a second.

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