Chapter 24

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I still can't believe the prank actually worked on me.

"So bro how does it feel to be played by your mate". Trent said pretending to pass him a mic.

I pushed Trent away from my desk. "Shut up. Yeah she got me".

"Got you is an understatement". Shawn said.

I looked at my brothers for a second. Then it hit me. "You guys knew didnt you"?

Shawn started laughing. "Yeah actually for a few days".

"And you didn't tell me? What kind of brotherhood is that".

Trent sat down on the couch in my office. "The one where you keep your mouth shut or you get none from your mate for months".

"Yeah sorry but mates before brothers. Especially if I want a pup".

"I'm with you on that". Trent said dapping him up.

I got up from my desk. "Well we need to discuss the actual problem and why you guys are here".

"Oh about the thing". Shawn said.

"Yeah but the question is do we really want to do this together"? I asked.

"Hell yeah. This going to be epic. But then again what if they don't like it"? Trent said

"Reasons we have mom". Shawn said.

"This will either be an epic fail or good loving for the rest of our lives". I said.

"If we going to be sneaky we actually have to be good at this. Because remember who our mates are". Shawn said.

Killer Wolves know everything. This could be hard.


Mama Miller was here and she was holding Alexis. I swear Alexis loves her so much.

"So ladies how have you been since I've seen you at the dinner"?

"Good actually. We haven't been doing our regular thing. We took a break to spend time together"? Sage said.

Mama Miller looked at Gabby.

"How are you feeling dear"?

Gabby smiled. "Fine. The doctors called and told me I'm okay. Just need to stop stressing and drink way more water and sleep more".

"Well I'm glad you are okay because Trent was freaking me out with all the waiting".

Gabby laughed. "Yeah and he was by my side 24/7 until we found out. So I understand".

"My next dinner I was wondering if you girls could help me with the menu"?

"Oooh food. Well you need to have mine and Gallery's favorite which is steak. And maybe another meat Gabby's favorite is grilled chicken".

"Oh my gosh your drooling. Wipe your mouth". I told her.

She quickly wiped her mouth. "Sorry but come on now it's food".

"Mama Miller you should have like a dessert table at your dinner party". I told her

"Oh that sounds great. Like what"?

"Cheesecake strawberry of course". Gabby said.

"Chocolate cake". Sage said.

"You can never go wrong with ice cream". I said.

"An ice cream bar. OH MY MOON GODDESS YEEEEEEEES". Sage shouted.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop being a fat ass". I told her.

"You guys know how my set up was at the dinner table did you like that"?

"Oh my goodness the light blue was so beautiful". I told her.

"You should add like a cute light purple. That would look good with the set as well". Sage said.

"Or light pink". Gabby said.

"Mama Miller don't listen to them. The light blue was great by itself".

Sage stuck her tongue out at me and before I could Alexis did it back at her. Making us laugh.

"Why you do that Lexis"? Sage asked laughing.

"D-Don't be mean to m-mommy".

"Oh my apologies". Sage said.

"Yeah that's right stand up for your mommy". Mama Miller said giving Alexis a kiss on her cheek.

"Well my beautiful daughters. I have to get home. Next Saturday will be my next dinner. Make sure you tell the boys". 

Mama Miller kissed Alexis's cheek again and sat her on the couch. And then gave us each hugs. And we walked her to the door.

"Where are the boys at actually"? I asked.

"Pack house". Gabby said.

"Lexi do you want to make cupcakes"? I asked her as she walked over to us by the front door.


"Oooh I'm helping too. Come Lexis let's go get the stuff for the cupcakes".  Sage grabbed her hand as they walked into the kitchen.

"I swear she's a child herself". My sister said.

I nodded agreeing with her.

And we both walked into the kitchen and started making the cupcakes.








Sorry it was so boring this chapter. Just wanted to get something out. I wrote this while at work.

Next chapter will be explosive.

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