The Truth

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It had been 3 days and Andy should be on his way. I woke up next to Rye smiling in my face. My phone kept buzzing and I eventually picked it up. To my suprise it was Andy and Harvey, who I had never actually met before. It was a face time.
"Hey bitchesss!" I shouted. Rye just giggled.
"Is that Rye?" Andy asked with a stern look on his face.
"Yes, it is. I just came to say hello to Chloe." He reassured as he looked into my phone. I looked to Rye and smiled.
"Anyway, I invited Harvey, we should be about another hour, we're on the plane now." Andy smiled at me and waved goodbye whilst a blew a kiss. Harvey was coming. He seemed like a kid nice guy, but to be honest, I've never really noticed him before.

It was about 1:30 in the afternoon and everyone had gone out to the pool. Me and Amelia were talking about Rye and Jack. She really fancied Jack, and I could tell he liked her too. I said that I would talk to Jack some time soon, when I don't know. I went running outside with Amelia to greet Andy when I saw him through the window, or had never been more happy to see my brother for some reason. I suppose I had really missed him, and being thousands of miles away really didn't help. I ran up to him and hugged him. He picked me up and span me about, he put me down and smiled.
"Guess you've missed your big brother then?" Harvey said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Harvey right? I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you." He looked me up and down and smiled. I blushed. 'Oh god... what am I doing? I like Rye! Stop!' I looked down and walked away. I jumped into the pool and swam up to Rye.
"Andy's here by the way, with Harvey." Suprisingly, Rye didn't seem too happy.
"Harvey?" His jaw dropped and I could see him gritting his teeth.
"Yes, are you okay?" I said turning his face to look at me. He bit his lips in anger and shook me off. He swam to the steps and I looked at him confused. Why is he so bothered that Harvey's here? I walked out of the pool and got into the shower. The boys had arranged a meal for us all to go to at night, and I wanted a head start on getting ready.

It had been ages and it was finally time to get dressed for the dinner. I wanted something dressy but comfortable.

(Chloe's outfit

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(Chloe's outfit.)

I walked out into the living room with Amelia were everyone was waiting.
"Well? What do you think?" Amelia said as she span.
"You look amazing." Jack said with a little smirk.

(Amelia's outfit

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(Amelia's outfit.)

I walked over and sat down next to Rye.
"You look gorgeous." He said as he put his arm around. I couldn't help but turn around to look at Harvey staring at me. He didn't move once my eyes met his gaze. He stared at me and smirked. Rye quickly snapped me out of my day dream as he pulled me up onto my feet.
"You okay?" He said following my eyes. He realised who I was looking at and he didn't look too pleased.
"Yes, can I just have a word with you?" I said and he nodded. "Hey, guys, you can go we'll catch up with you." I smiled. Everyone walked out the front door.
"Why did you not want Harvey to be here?" I asked, and his face completely dropped. He sat down and ran his fingers through his hair.
"I'm sorry." He looked up at me like he was going to cry. I sat down a put my hand on his shoulder. "Before you came down I told him that I liked you. When you faced timed me I showed you to him when you weren't looking, and well, he fancies you. In that way."
"That doesn't change anything between us. Rye, you really think I'm going to change my mind about you after years? It's not going to happen." He looked up at me and smiled. He stood up and grabbed me up with him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me again. I was expecting it this time.


The place Andy had booked us in with was actually really nice. I regret not wearing something way more suitable as there was only old people eating there. We found the other guys and we sat down in our spots. He was next to Andy and I was opposite him, next to Harvey. Great...
"You made it." Harvey said looking up at me, I was trying to avoid the fact that he was blushing.
"Yes, it nice in here isn't it?" I said back and sat down. Rye looked at me and I blew him a kiss.
"So, what were you and Rye up to back at the house?" Andy looked at me, he was smiling but I could tell lie was being deadly serious.
"We just spoke. About how much we like eachother." Rye spat back glaring at Harvey the whole time. I looked down and fixed my napkin on my knee we ordered food and decided to go to a club for fun.


The music was pounding against he floor and I was dancing with Brooklyn to Chris Brown "Questions". Me and Brook were back to back when he span me about and we laughed. We swayed to the music and I couldn't stop looking at Rye at the table staring at us. I told Brook I'd be two seconds.
"Rye come outside." I pulled his arm up and he was drunk already.
"What?" He said almost falling everywhere. I held him up and and he was going to throw up. I helped him over to the wall were he was sick. You could tell he was humiliated.
"Why are you so bothered about me daincing with other people?" I asked sternly.
"It's my best mate, you can tell he's flirting." He was jealous. That's all.
"I'm taking you back to the house. You're a state." He laughed in my face was sick again. I jerked back and he fell to the ground. He had fell on some glass and cut himself. Before I could take him inside to wash it off Harvey came out to see if I was okay.
"Are you okay? I saw you walk out." He saw Rye on he floor in front of me. "Oh." He helped me pick Rye up and he walked into the bathroom. It was the men's but I still went in. I took the glass out of his hand as he winced. I washed he blood away and I told Harvey I was taking him back.

***(back at the house)

I made Rye some toast and a cup of tea. I sat down next to him when when I had got changed and took all my makeup off. He had finally sobered up. He smiled at me like a weirdo when he saw me.
"What?" I giggled.
"You look so much better in your nighty and no makeup." He rested his head on my shoulder and I played with his hair. I couldn't stop smiling.
"I'm sorry by the way, for tonight. I ruined it for you."
"It's fine, I'd have his over any night out. And, Harvey helped me." I had realised what I just said. He smiled at me and I was shocked.
"That's nice of him. He's still an absolute idiot."

***(The next morning)

Turns out me and Rye had slept on the couch last night, all cuddled up. Amelia came bounding down the string to wake me up. She was screaming with excitement.
"CHLOE! OMG ME AND JACK KISSED LAST NIGHT! THEN I WOKE UP IN HIS BED! But we didn't do anything. We just slept. BUT STILL!" My ears were killing from the club last night, and no I'm sure they were bleeding. I shot up at this news though.
"Oh my god! That's amazing!" I hugged her and we both made breakfast.
"What happened with you and Harvey by the way?"
"What do you mean? I was on the couch with Rye."
"Yes but you went into the toilets with him, after you left with Rye he claimed that you two kissed." My heart sank. I bet everyone thought I was playing them both off.
"We didn't kiss! You have to believe me!" At that moment Harvey came down the stairs and stopped when he saw me.
"Why have you told everyone we kissed when we were helping Rye get he glass out of his hand?" I was so glad at this point Rye was asleep as he would be straight over to Harvey. Harvey stopped and took a seat to explain.

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